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Author Topic:  A question for Mr. Big E
Ray Minich


Bradford, Pa. Frozen Tundra
Post  Posted 2 Jun 2005 8:44 am    
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Buddy, your E9th Chord Vocabulary is a great piece of instructional work. I've been studying it for some months now. The real closure comes with the demonstration tune you talk the student thru towards the end of the course, where you call out the passing chords. It helps to provide a grammar lesson to the vocabulary. There is as much information in the demonstration tune about where to use the chords, as there is in the lead in material about how to make the chords.

My question is, did you ever tab that tune out? If I could get a copy of the tab to that it would make a long problem shorter. Now I'm not tryin' to get out of doing work here. If you feel that this exercise should be done by the student I can appreciate that too. It's just that each day seems to have about 4 too few hours in it and I'm tryin' to get a lot done

Thanks and warmest regards.
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