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Author Topic:  Jerry Byrd's Memorial Service
Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 16 May 2005 12:04 pm    
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Altho' Jerry and I corresponded on a regular basis this past few years and since 1950....I don't feel like I was truly in his inner-circle of friends and players yet I'm very proud that he did consider me a loyal and lifelong fan.

I visited Honolulu in Sept.2004 with the hope of getting to see him, even if for only a few minutes. Unfortunately this did not occur but we did talk twice on the phone.

I wasn't able to attend his Memorial Services
as much as I wanted to and am still having a rough time accepting the fact that this great musical talent and wonderful man has left us. THANK GOODNESS for all the music he has left with us to continue enjoying, and I in turn, will continue to share with all of you via the JerryByrdFanClub.com.

My wife was looking over the "Memorial Celebration of Life" pamphlet that Jerry's wonderful wife "Kaleo" was kind enough to forward to us. BIG SURPRISE!!!....I guess I did manage to attend Jerry's service in a mysterious sort of way.

There on the front page of the pamphlet is a photo of Jerry and his Trot-Mor guitar and Jerry's hand-written note: "Best Wishes in '55 Skipper........Jerry Byrd".

I couldn't be more honored or proud.

What a pleasant surprise for this olde guy.
No idea who was responsible for producing that little pamphlet but I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart......for including me in that service. What a very special surprise for his number #1 world fan.
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