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Author Topic:  Crackling 500
Jerry Horner


Tahlequah, OK, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2001 6:39 am    
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My Session 500 has started making a crackling noise for about the first 5 seconds after it is turned on. I think there is a possiblity is has something to do with the reverb. Does anyone have any ideas as to what it could be?
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Gene Jones


Oklahoma City, OK USA, (deceased)
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2001 7:09 am    
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Jerry, I have had no trouble with the crackling noise you describe, but the reverb on my 500 finally became so sensitive that it would activate just by a vocalist walking by me going to the mic.

There was a recent thread on the Forum that you can find on "search" about fixing Session 500 problems, but I finally "solved" mine by just turning the reverb completely off and putting all the reverb on an effects unit. If your problem isn't the reverb though, then that wouldn't be a solution for you. Good luck, Gene.

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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2001 8:21 am    
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Turn the reverb control to 0 (off) and see if it still cracks when you first turn it on. If it doesn't then you've isolated it to something in the reverb circuity. If if still cracks, you have at least eliminated the reverb as the problem.

As old as that amp is, it may need some power supply work. If the filter caps have never been replaced it's a good candidate for that. It could also be a coupling capacitor (they will act that way).

From your description, the best thing would be to ship the chassis back to Peavey for repair. Even with the shipping charges they are still as reasonable or more than most shops and you'll probably get it back sooner.

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jerry wallace


Artesia , NM (deceased)
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2001 9:22 am    
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Jerry,it could be just a dirty pot..Try rotating the pot all the way from off to wide open pretty fast and do it 20 or 30 times..if the wiper has picked up a piece of crud this can help get rid of it..
You can go inside and use a spray cleaner,but in my experience with most of them,They attract more dirt and dust and are only a temporary fix for the problem..A new pot might be best if thats where the trouble is..

Jerry Wallace-2001 Zum: D-10,8+6, "98 Zum: D-10,8+8,Nashville 1000,Session 500 ,Session 400 head only amp,Tubefex,ProfexII, Artesia, New Mexico

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Jerry Horner


Tahlequah, OK, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jul 2001 11:07 am    
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Ok guys, it does have to do with the reverb but is not the pot. Once the crackling has stopped I can reach down and barely touch the reverb unit on the floor of the amp and it will crackle for a few seconds. I was able to move it to a point where it stopped making noise completely, so tonight I will take it out and check the connections.
Thanks for the replys guys.

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