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Author Topic:  Knutsen Hawaiian guitar
Steinar Gregertsen

Arendal, Norway, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2003 8:09 am    
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Oh man.... Wish I had the money to bring this one 'back to Norway'. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2569065138&category=2385

Anyone of you tried an original Knutsen? How do they compare to original Weissenborns?
I have the impression they're very fragile, so this one must have had a good life.


[This message was edited by Steinar Gregertsen on 30 October 2003 at 08:10 AM.]

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Andy Volk

Boston, MA
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2003 5:29 pm    
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Knutsen definitely had some original ideas - some of which were years ahead of their time.

Greg Miner has the definitive site on Chris Knutsen's instruments. Check it out.
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Steinar Gregertsen

Arendal, Norway, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2003 5:40 pm    
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Thanks Andy,- I already have the book (and counting the days til I get yours from Elderly, btw), and the Knutsen site is on the 'links' page on my own website.

But has anybody here ever played one of Knutsen's guitars? What's your impression?


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Pete Grant


Auburn, CA, USA
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2003 7:51 pm    
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I've owned two original Weissenborns (which I sold when I got my koa Stella from the 20's and a maple/spurce Oahu from the 30's -- the teacher model with a "sprig" of life fingerboard) and played a couple of dozen. I also own a John Pearse Weissenborn, and a couple of other acoustic Hawiians. The absolute very best Weissenborn/Weissenborn copy I've ever played is David Lindley's Manzanita, made in Germany.
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Travis Bernhardt


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Post  Posted 30 Oct 2003 10:15 pm    
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I played a guitar recently which I THINK was a Knutsen... for some reason I can't remember right now exactly what it was. It was the kind of guitar that looks like a Kona but when you get close you realize that it's actually adaptable for regular guitar playing. there's a piece that can come off or something to allow you to fret the guitar--after you've replaced the nut.

Unfortunately I only played it for a couple of minutes, but I recall that it had very low action and was quiet. I recall having a favorable impression of the tone (fairly sweet and "round"), except that it wasn't very punchy (but the strings were kind of old I think). You know, I could probably play it again and get a better description for you if you wanted. I played a Kona recently too and I'm having trouble remembering which was which.

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Steinar Gregertsen

Arendal, Norway, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 31 Oct 2003 2:31 am    
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Thanks folks,- I'm usually not so very interested in vintage instruments as a buyer, I love reading about them and looking at old photos,- I'm intrigued by the history and if I could ever try one, then fine, but it usually stops there.

But there is something about the Knutsen story, probably the fact that he originally came from Norway plus that he did all this innovative work even before Hermann Weissenborn (as far as I know), that would make me seriously consider going for one of his guitars.
This one will probably be way out of my range, financially, anyway.... But I'll keep an eye on it though.


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