This tele has a lot of bucks invested, it is a sunburst stewmac body-52RI neck-bigsby-a 3 brass bridge-3 pickups neck is a mini humbucker-middle is a double bar demarzzio-bridge is a lindy fralin I had made 25% over real hot.
Also has a 5 position switch and a toggle to throw from rear to front PU just the neck body and pu's were a 1000.00 bucks and the guitar is near perfect with spertz keys and a hard case 1500.00 plus S/H extra great guitar, but most folks who have bought the best parts to build one knows quailty isnt cheap.
Thanks--will do some trading just email me at
ZUM 2003 Black SD-10 Peavey 112 Amp and if needed my 1985 Evans FET 500 LV Custom Amp.
[This message was edited by Bill Taft on 06 April 2005 at 11:24 AM.]