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Author Topic:  ShoBud compactra 100 custom amplifier, history found.
Matthew Weller


New York, USA
Post  Posted 27 Jan 2025 6:48 am    
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As of today Monday morning January 27th 2025, on my inquiry I have had 316 views and no responses. My inquiry on the shobud has been on for several days. During this time I have done much research and found the origin of the shobud amp. I found an article written by a man you are quite familiar with Danny hullihen, the article is dated January 6th 2011. As you all know, Danny is president of the United States steel guitar players association. The article he wrote is extensive and fascinating. My questions have been answered with the exception of the date my amp was made. For some reason there is not a very good history concerning the serial numbers mine which is 4065. Of this model the shoBud compactra 100 custom supposedly only 40 of these was made out of the 100 that Jim Evans made for shoBud, before setting out to create Evans amplifiers. My amp is in a conventional cabinet. I was very happy to learn that Jim Evans and Bob crooks the founder of standel, did Converse extensively, this explains why my shobud has a very much standel 25l15 like tone to it apparently with 75 Watts more power for an even 100 watts. The speaker, JBL d130f 16 ohm. This amp easily produces the Chet Atkins-Merle Travis type tones, which is the styles I play. This is just an overview of the article I read by Danny, I now have the origins. There is one thing I do need though, if anyone has one or knows where I can get one, I am looking for the shobud badge as the B is busted off and missing on mine and has been for decades I would like to replace it. Please send me a response I would greatly appreciate it, thank you.
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