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Author Topic:  Anybody tried JamOrigin Midiguitar2 with pedal steel?
Scott Denniston

Hahns Peak, Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2023 9:17 am    
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I bought MidiGuitar by JamOrigin years ago and never had a lot of time to play with it. This week I started with it on guitar (not steel yet). It's a newer tech that doesn't use a midi pickup or anything but converts audio to midi so you can drive midi instruments. Where have I been!? I downloaded "SWAM Saxophones"which is a sax modeling engine that doesn't use samples but models that you can contour. I tried it with the Tecontrol BBC2 breath controller --- UNBELIEVABLE!!! Man this stuff has evolved a long long way. O f course a good sax player would be better but if you got good with this I'm not sure a lot of sax players would hear much difference.
The Tecontrol isn't cheap and neither is SWAM Sax but that breath controller is essential for expression and realism. I can't see why this wouldn't work with steel as well. SWAM has tons of other instruments too. What a blast! If you're unfamiliar check out the combination on YouTube (MidiGuitar2 with SWAM Saxophones and the Tecontrol BBC2 breath controller). Very Happy
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Jim Palenscar


Oceanside, Calif, USA
Post  Posted 27 Apr 2023 7:34 am    
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I use it occasionally coupled w AUM(midimixer) and of course an IRig w my IPad. Pretty cool way to use midi w/o a hex pickup.

Last edited by Jim Palenscar on 27 Apr 2023 8:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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Scott Denniston

Hahns Peak, Colorado, USA
Post  Posted 27 Apr 2023 8:14 am    
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Glad to hear it works with steel. I might get to that today. I know now that on guitar anyway you have to adjust your playing a bit and be in perfect tune. If a note is a little off the midi has to quickly decide within a semitone which note it will translate it to or interpret it as. That's true with the hex pickups too though. Since (unlike a keyboard player) guitar and steel players always have both hands busy -- that breath controller really helps. There are four messages it sends-- breath, bite, head tilt, and head nod. You can assign those messages to any of the available aspects of the instrument. Right now I have no real practical use for this but it's so much fun and sounds so real it's worth it. You can choose between mono or polyphonic. Think Hammond B3 or any other chord instrument. I'll be playing with this sax for a while first though.
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