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Author Topic:  Damage-free Fender fretboard removal?
Jim Rossen


Iowa, USA
Post  Posted 18 Jul 2022 10:05 am    
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How does one remove a Fender steel guitar fretboard from a wood body without damaging it?

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Bill Hatcher


Atlanta Ga. USA
Post  Posted 19 Jul 2022 7:31 am     Re: Damage-free Fender fretboard removal?
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Jim Rossen wrote:
How does one remove a Fender steel guitar fretboard from a wood body without damaging it?


If it is nailed on with brads, put some tape around the brad and lay a utility knife razor flat on the fretboard. I have different sets of modified end cutters that are ground flat on the end. You want to “pinch” the brad raising it out. If you don’t have a couple of blades flat on either side, you can dent the board when rocking the end cutters and pulling upwards on the brad.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 21 Jul 2022 7:32 am    
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What Bill said is good practice. But if you don't have any flush-ground cutters, you can usually get a thin putty knife under the board, and work it up near the brad (by tapping with a small hammer). That will usually pull the brad up far enough to where you can get ahold of it with regular pliers. Twist and pull the brad, rather than prying it up against the fretboard.

Just take your time and go easy. Mr. Green

Dents or depressions around the holes, if any happen, can usually be removed by placing the fretboard face-down on a firm, smooth-flat surface (like a cutting board), and then covering the area to be straightened with a flat piece of metal or epoxy-glass about .062 thick, and rapping with a hammer to remove the dents.
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Chris Clem


California, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jul 2022 12:02 pm    
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I have removed these many times mostly on old tweed amp logos. They almost always come off very easily. I use mainly the painter spatulas (on left side of the photo). My choice would to always go under the fingerboard on just try to lift it some. You never know how tight the brads are until you try.Most will pop right out.They usually come out undamaged and you can reuse them.There is no glue under the fingerboard.

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