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Author Topic:  Gig with new band
Ian Rae

Redditch, England
Post  Posted 29 Jun 2019 3:40 am    
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Last night was my first outing with a new outfit that has arisen out of our Thursday night jam sessions.

The other week a guy climbed up with a guitar and did a couple of Jason Isbell numbers. He's a better guitarist than your average singer/strummer - apparently he learnt flamenco from an Iranian exile in Sweden (and they say multiculturalism is dead). Anyway, the regular drummer and bass player joined in, then me, then another guitarist who was getting bored. The singer loved it all and we were off!

So what we have is a very self-contained front man, a bass and drums who are very slick and tight and look for any chance to inject bits of other genres into the music (and can both sing); a guitarist who is Stratocaster Man but kind of sensitive with it; and me, who can be like a proper steel player and not play much. They love it when I do - in their words, guitar bass and drum bands are ten a penny but I'm giving it an extra dimension. When they nod at me to take the lead it's without any intention of making way - they want me to howl over the top of them! Glad I invested in the Telonics rig Smile

There may be bits of video floating about - we shall see.
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Homebuilt keyless U12 7x5, Excel keyless U12 8x8, Williams keyless U12 7x8, Telonics rack and 15" cabs
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Joachim Kettner

Post  Posted 29 Jun 2019 4:05 am    
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You're a lucky man Ian. Hope it works for the future.
Fender Kingman, Sierra Crown D-10, Evans Amplifier, Soup Cube.
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Allan Haley


British Columbia, Canada
Post  Posted 29 Jun 2019 6:09 am    
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Sounds really good, Ian. I’d love to see some video. As a developing player, watching real PSGers on stage is invaluable
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