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Author Topic:  Updated Oahu Tonemaster
Tony Wilson


Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2015 5:10 pm    
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Several weeks back, I asked for advice on fixing up (can't really call it a restoration) an Oahu Tonemaster. I thought I'd post a few photos on what I've done:

I made 3 major changes to the guitar:

1. installed a Lollar Chicago Steel 6 string pickup. The Lollar PU fit the body opening just fine, but it was a little too wide to fit up inside the palm rest. I use a flat bastard file to remove about a 1/16" from each end. I'm sure that modification voids the warranty, but it didn't seem to affect the sound.

2. Replaced the plastic (and cracked) cover and palm rest with a new set from GoldTone. The cover from GT was almost a perfect fit. I just had to modify the bridge (see below) and drill some new screw holes,

3. The biggest issue was the bridge location; at 1st it was too far forward by a 1/4'. I filed the saddle area back an 1/8" and did some more filing along the edge where the strings attach. The scale length is now a perfect 25 3/4.

4. The jack cup/hole was 1" across rather than the typical 3/8" of Tele jack cups. I substituted a square Gibson plate (1-11/32") which covered the hole & matches the new chrome cover.

Very little of this guitar was original, so I didn't hesitate to modify it with newer parts. The rejuvenated Oahu sounds and feels great. It was a fun project.

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Michael Maddex

Northern New Mexico, USA
Post  Posted 23 May 2015 7:02 pm    
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Very nice work on a good project! Cool

Thanks for keeping us Forumites posted on its progress. Now you can look forward to some quality playing time. Enjoy!
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