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Dick Sexton

Greenville, Ohio
Post  Posted 2 May 2014 8:32 am    
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I posted about this in the Tab section. I should have put it here.

One of my picking buds, brought this to my attention, thought I'd pass it along. It is called "Riffstation" and has a 30 day free trial to see if it is anything that might interest you. I've used the Amazing Slowdowner for a long time and it is, in my opinion an awesome piece of software that works in most cases. And I know there are many out there that do near the same thing, some even free. Some of those, I too have used. The Riffstation has a couple of features that I have not seen. One is the ability to isolate the riff or lick out of the back ground which can sometimes make getting a lick correct, difficult. The other is a pretty accurate chord builder/identifier, albeit guitar chords and symbols. If you would like to try this thing, you can find it here. http://www.riffstation.com/return.html I am still evaluating it, so if you download the trial and identify problems, let me know. Other wise, Happy Picking.

I just received this back from one of the partners in the Riffstation organization:

Hi Dick,

Thanks for contacting us. Glad to hear you're finding Riffstation helpful!

We're all guitarists here at Riffstation and designed the software with guitar in mind but we are finding a lot of other instrumentalists are finding it quite a useful tool which is very exciting. We are actually going to be incorporating ukulele and piano diagrams into our upcoming web-release.

I love the sound of pedal steel guitar so we really appreciate you spreading the word through the community! It'd be awesome to pick up more pedal steel users.


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Kevin Barber


Marianna, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 3 May 2014 4:57 pm     Riffstation
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I also downloaded the demo for Riffstation, and I can tell right off it's going to be a VERY useful tool to learn with.

As Mr. Sexton said, it has what is needed to learn how to play a lick or an entire song by isolating the steel part, slow it down and make any part of the song repeat. The repeat feature constantly plays a selected part of the song so you can concentrate on learning the part or the lick. Keeps you from having to constantly stop and back the track up to the part you want to learn.

Another cool feature is you can make your own backing tracks and mute out the steel guitar part of the track and be able to play along with the song.
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Darrel Roberts


Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 3 May 2014 7:29 pm    
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I've had Riffstation for a year now. It's the most useful practice tool I've ever run into. It saves hours of time learning songs or even licks from songs. It has more features than any other program, or device that is trying to achieve the same thing. Can't go wrong with a free 30 day trial. I did the trial then bought the download. Best 50 bucks I ever spent. I download most of the songs from YouTube so the available material to learn is vast. Wish I'd had it years ago.
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Ron Pruter


Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 8 May 2014 1:05 pm    
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Is this just for regular guitar or PSG?
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Mike Wheeler

Delaware, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 8 May 2014 2:18 pm    
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So, Dick, or Kevin, does it work well for removing voice also? And can you do 2 passes to also remove a guitar?
Best regards,
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Dick Sexton

Greenville, Ohio
Post  Posted 8 May 2014 2:58 pm     Isolating the vocals or lead singer?
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Hi Mike,

I just tried it on Alan Jackson's version of Playboy. I can tell that with my limited experience with the program, I was able to eliminate most of the lead vocal, but not all. In the back ground, there is still a hint of the vocal. I'm pretty sure that once a song is mixed down, that may be pretty hard for "this program" to do. Of course, someone with more experience with the program might easily do it. Free down load and 30 day trial, you might have better luck.

Double pass to eliminate the guitar player. I think it can. Again, try it. Smile
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Mike Wheeler

Delaware, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 8 May 2014 5:52 pm    
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Thanks, Dick. I think I'll take your advice and give it a try next week. Should be pretty interesting. Smile
Best regards,
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Frank Sprague

Custer , Washington, USA
Post  Posted 8 May 2014 7:26 pm     Riffstation
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Hi Dick - The Riffstation program is definitely pretty cool - didn't take too long to figure it out either - after I read the on-line instructions Rolling Eyes I too got the 30 day trial , but I'll probably go for the $50.00 download when this expires . . . I was using a Tascam GB-10 , but IMHO this is better . . . Thanks for the post . .
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Bryan Daste

Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 30 Mar 2015 3:23 pm    
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This works surprisingly well! I love that it generates the chords (pretty well) and also extracts a tempo and gives you a metronome to play to - for isolating a lick and learning it, it's the best I've seen.
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Will Cowell


Cambridgeshire, UK
Post  Posted 31 Mar 2015 8:24 am    
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I tried Riffstation when Dick first posted about it, and went straight out and bought it. It's a great tool, really surprisingly accurate although it does sometimes mistake a Bm for a D, and that sort of thing. The ear soon corrects that of course.

It's made a lot of things much easier for me. I'm a convert!
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Daniel Policarpo

Post  Posted 31 Mar 2015 12:26 pm    
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I use it as well. Dick Sexton's post is the one that turned me on to it. A lot of the stuff I work with was mixed in mono, and while this tool works better for stereo-phonic and later production style, with a little experience you can isolate parts enough to work it out. But it is the slow down and chord mapping that I especially like.

Their customer service has been good, too. I had downloaded RiffStation to my old laptop, which bit the dust, losing the RiffStation with it. I emailed them and they checked their records and I had another program in about two minutes from my inquiry. Very fast!
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Bryan Daste

Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 15 Apr 2015 12:16 pm    
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BTW, if you guys are interested in Riffstation, I did a full review of the software on the first episode of The Pedal Steel Podcast. I used Riffstation to isolate a steel lick, slow it down, and even remove it from the track in order to play along with the band. You can check it out at http://pedalsteelpodcast.wordpress.com, directly on iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pedal-steel-podcast-podcast/id985070911?mt=2#, or just search for Pedal Steel Podcast on the podcast section of the iTunes store.

And, if you leave an iTunes review of the podcast (click on Ratings and Reviews in the podcast description in the iTunes store) and email me your username so I can give proper credit for the review, you're entered to win a copy of Riffstation!
Email pedalsteelpodcast@gmail.com.
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