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Author Topic:  These crazy instruments.... didn't see that one coming
Josh Yenne

Sonoma California
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2013 12:03 pm    
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So I get to my gig in Boston... its about the 15th show of the tour... and the guitar tech that I taught to set up my steel is doing a good job overall... we always have plenty of time to check so I tune the changes myself... no festivals here where you have to just get right on the stage.

That show I go to tune the changes and my A pedal won't tune... the finger isn't returning correctly... so when i tuen the C# in tune it is making my B sharp... you know its not coming to rest again the endplate etc.. I "lost the change" basically... I'm FREAKING OUT.. of course I could work it where I still basically get the open note in tune and the change without it coming back to rest correctly but not really a sustainable and good solution!

Of course I'm the only person in the band or crew that knows anything about pedal steel....

So long story short I loosen all my nylons on my A pedal changers.... start from ground zero.... still not working right...

while this is going the LD is working the lights so there is NO consistent light to work with and I'm using my phone to look underneath and at the changer.... uggg... making it much more annoying and hard.

Thinking WTF happened since the last gig??

Finally about the third time on my back on stage and looking under and I spot the problem....

The A pedal rod has the little "hook" on the end that goes in up by the body.... the guitar tech hadn't seated it in exactly correctly so it was not seating all the way in the crook of the rod... but more on the end... that 32nd of an inch or whatever was the difference in getting the change to work!!!!


just thought I'd write this after I saw Steves post about his volume knob being loose... thank god I found it out before the show or even the sound check....

Long story but bored on the bus on the road and thought I'd recount!!!

Very Happy
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Jim Eaton

Santa Susana, Ca
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2013 3:03 pm    
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Oh my yes, that 1/32nd" can make life very frantic for several never ending min's! Smile
Had a sound tech put just the tip of one of the legs of a tri-pod type mike stand just far enough under the pedal bar of my S-10 Emmons to keep my A pedal from pulling all the way to the stop. 5th string was going up to someplace between C & C# and I'm freaking out as it was just fine at sound check about 30 mins prior. I went to rock the guitar forward to take a look and it slipped back toward me off of the mike stand leg and that's when I decided to have a talk with the sound tech about who owns the real estate under a pedal steel guitar!
Emmons D10PP 8/4 -75'
Emmons S-10PP 3/4 - 79'
Emmons S-12PP 3/4 -78'
MSA Legend SD12 5/5 -06'
Mullen S-12 4/5 - 1986
Nashville 112 x2 W/Knob Guards - Don't leave home with out one!
Walker SS rack system - 12"BW's
Quilter Steelaire Combo
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Daniel Policarpo

Post  Posted 21 Nov 2013 4:11 pm    
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Whew-ee Josh!

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Steve Lipsey

Portland, Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2013 4:37 pm    
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Good for you , Josh!

I guess we all need to be able to just stop, and rethink everything from the beginning....it worked last time? what could have changed?

And especially....what has a human touched in between then and now?...
Williams S10s, Milkman Pedal Steel Mini & "The Amp"
Ben Bonham Resos, 1954 Oahu Diana, 1936 Oahu Parlor
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