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Dave Brophy


Miami FL
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2000 11:36 am    
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Background:I've been lurking here on and off for a long time.I'm a standard guitar player,and haven't owned a lap steel in over 20 years.
I've been tracking Fender 8-strings on Ebay closely for a month or so.Last night I realized that this '57 dual Stringmaster "project" had been largely overlooked.The text wasn't real clear about what all was there,etc.And the pictures don't show the front or bottom of the guitar.
It was too late in the auction to email questions,but I was high bidder and emailed my questions and made a deal with the owner.
Long story short,here are the 'downside'points:
- hardware needs putting back together
- everything is there;some screws aren't original
- one pickup is a replacement
- switch-tip is missing
- owner says it needs a coat of lacquer.This I kinda doubt,but I'll see when I get it.
The 4 legs are there and functional.The case is rough but functional.I'm getting it for $500 + $35 shipping.Did I do good?
Here's the Ebay link.(Don't know how long the pics will stay up.) http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=436972159&ed=969249961

[This message was edited by Brad Bechtel on 18 September 2000 at 01:41 PM.]

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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2000 11:44 am    
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There isn't much to reassembilg these things. I didn't see the nuts in the picture - I hope they are included! If all parts except the one pickup are there, you can probably get it up and playable in an afternoon.
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Chris DeBarge


Boston, Mass
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2000 5:42 pm    
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Not a bad deal, especially if everything turns out to be there. The finish doesn't look original, let us know when you get it!

BTW, you can get replacement pickups from Jason Lollar, I can't recommend him enough:
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Michael Johnstone

Sylmar,Ca. USA
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2000 6:13 pm    
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If it was my guitar,I'd take it to a car paint shop or maybe a motorcycle gastank paint guy and get a nice robin's egg blue or butterscotch yellow paint job on it-slap the Fender decal on-put it all back together-and commence to pick.(Any guitar shop that sells parts will have the switch tip-it's the same as on a Telecaster)If you do refinish it,don't forget to paint the necks seperately and then let them dry completely before bolting them back togetger.If the odd pickup sounds good,I'd just go with it. -MJ-
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Dave Brophy


Miami FL
Post  Posted 18 Sep 2000 6:48 pm    
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The owner assures me that everything is there,including both nuts.He took it apart himself with the idea of refinishing it.
That white pickup must be from a less expensive Fender 8,I guess? I'll compare it to the other neck and put a Lollar in there if necessary.
Thanks for the tips,guys.
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