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Author Topic:  I think you guys are turning me into an old fogey!
David Mason

Cambridge, MD, USA
Post  Posted 12 Jun 2013 9:14 pm    
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Man, I don't know... the music here is everything I would hope for from a top-flight crew:


They're listening to each other, they're receptive, interactive and having fun, no egomaniacal showboating yet their personalities come through.... and as soon as I saw the sax player in his ballcap, t-shirt untucked, couldn't be bothered to shave this morning - I thought "Go finish washing the car, run a razor over your mug, find a shirt with a collar and tuck the damn thing in."

I mean, I understand the idea that the music is the star, not everybody can pull off Miles Davis finery & frippery, and at least they're not wearing intentionally-ruined blue jeans and t-shirts you wash the car with a la modern country (I've seen all the kneecaps I'll ever need to). And the opposite can be off-putting too, watching Oscar Peterson bouncing around in a full tux sweating like a buffalo with rabies distracts me too - but jeez, they're all grown men, they're working at the job that supports them, I'll bet they couldn't get into half the clubs they play at dressed like that! They had to pack that as their stage clothes, and it looks as forced as any other "uniform."

Ah well, when they put me in charge there's gonna be some changes made, that's for sure. Oh Well Thanks for letting me share.
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Mike Neer

Post  Posted 13 Jun 2013 3:23 am    
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Haircuts can be expensive when you're playing this kind of music!

David Binney and Wayne Krantz are among my favorite musicians today. The record Aliso is great, as most of Binney's are IMO.

There are several other artists who are at the top of my list:

Ben Monder
John O'Gallagher
Steve Lehman
Bill Carrothers
Cuong Vu
and many, many more.

I really like the direction of Jazz today. I think I like it better than at any time I've been cognizant of it in my lifetime, the absence of Brooks Brothers suits notwithstanding.
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Barry Blackwood

Post  Posted 14 Jun 2013 7:34 am    
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My take - they're dressing to the crowd.
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Joachim Kettner

Post  Posted 14 Jun 2013 8:39 am    
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Raised on British Invasion and American Folk -Rock, I could never listen to this stuff. I don't want to generalise, but isn't their music called Jazz- Rock?
But I think they're a great band!
Regarding the dress code you're talking about, I don't know if they wear cheap or expensive suits, but they seem to dress a little better. But the message of the song won't fit with any cocktail crowd:
Fender Kingman, Sierra Crown D-10, Evans Amplifier, Soup Cube.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 15 Jun 2013 1:59 pm    
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Evidently, this is just one more example of the "I'm a great player so I can dress like a slob" movement. Sad, really. Crying or Very sad If they were playing across the street in a garage, I'd probably watch. But if these guys were playing in a club where they were charging admission, I just wouldn't go. Call me an old-ass if you will, but I say if your audience consistently out-dresses you, I think you should give serious thought to not performing in public.

On he other hand, car washes and landcsapers are always hiring. Muttering

Last edited by Donny Hinson on 15 Jun 2013 11:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2013 12:12 am    
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It would never have occurred to me that there was something wrong with what these guys are wearing onstage; I wouldn't even have noticed.

Exactly, this is the new "norm', so it doesn't attract much attention. Look, I'm not into Nudie-suits, but I do feel that you should try to look presentable. I don't think it's a "fetish", either, to dress better than the average day-laborer. I think dressing decently shows that you respect yourself and your audience. In other words:


is better than this

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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2013 6:38 am    
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Maybe it was "casual Friday". Cool
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Mike Neer

Post  Posted 16 Jun 2013 6:49 am    
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It's tough to travel Europe as a jazz musician and bring a wardrobe with you. I have a friend who goes with his trumpet, the clothes on his back and a small bag with one change of clothes. I'm not making excuses (or maybe I am), but I couldn't care less how these guys are dressed. Their music is so far removed from mainstream that the visual appeal thing is not going to win them any fans anyway. Frankly, it's refreshing to see that it's about the music.
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David Mason

Cambridge, MD, USA
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2013 12:03 pm    
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In a way, that's what bothers me - the music is so good, so far removed from whatever pablum Santana & Co. are pumping out at the Montreaux "Jazz" Festival, that it makes it seen like they're under-dressing for some reason - they've definitely co-ordinated their band fashion "statement." They're not 21, they're into their 40's, right? And most 40-year-old men dress better than that at work, at a job when they're "meeting" the public. Maybe it's some cult thing, or a code I'm too old too understand. "You know we're serious cause we dress like doofusses...? Pay us better...?" Laughing
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Andy Sandoval

Bakersfield, California, USA
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2013 3:10 pm    
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I like seein bands dressed to enhance the music but generally I don't go to watch a fashion show, the music is number one with me.

This guy could wear a gorilla suit without offendin me! Razz
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2013 10:10 am    
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now actually, i'd get a kick out of seeing buddy play in a grizzly bear suit!

jazz players can wear what they want. i'm pretty sure i'm not going to that show anyway.

i am very impressed watching the eagles in their 'grown-up' era. they dress like professionals and play even better. (on stage, anyway)
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chris ivey

california (deceased)
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2013 10:27 am    
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just to elaborate a bit on this...
check out sacramento's true success story, tim schmit. singing a song he wrote and playing bass.
the first verse gave me goosebumps.


and to think i wasn't crazy about the eagles in the early days cause they didn't have a steel.
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