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Author Topic:  Recommendations for Pickup replacement.


Post  Posted 4 Feb 2003 10:56 am    
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I have a Remington Universal S12 with a Danny Shields pickup.
I also got a spare 12 string GeorgeL pickup with a 6 position switch.
(I got this from Al Brisco, an excellent supplier)
I would like to try the GeorgeL on my guitar, but it involves drilling different mounting holes in the guitar body. Before I attack my guitar, I would like to hear opinions about the differences of the pickup. I like the humbucking sound of the Danny Shields pickup, but I don't like the clunky sound of the bottom strings 11 and 12. (It could be the guitar, not the pup). I also don't like the single coil sounds of this pickup.

Any suggestions or opinions?

Peter den Hartogh-Fender Artist S10-Remington U12-Hilton Volume Pedal-Gibson BR4 lapsteel-Guya "Stringmaster" Copy-MusicMan112RP-Peavy Rage158- - My Animation College in South Africa

Bob Hoffnar

Austin, Tx
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2003 7:01 pm    
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I went through a time of changing pickups around. In my experience the Lawrence 710 (or 712 in your case) is very accurate and transparent. Whatever your guitar sounds like is what the 710 will bring out. I did just spend a little time with an old Rustler D10 that had True tone single coils put in it. It sounded great and had less hum than the stock Emmons single coils I have in my PP.

I don't know about those low strings on your guitar though. Low strings on my Franklin sound fantastic with the Lawrence pickups. The low strings on any PP Emmons steel I have had (including a U12) had that big growling ring to them with stock single coils also.

Pickups are relatively cheap so it could be fun to experiment with them. Let us know what you come up with.

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chas smith R.I.P.

Encino, CA, USA
Post  Posted 4 Feb 2003 8:03 pm    
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Peter, um, what were you planning on doing with that that Danny Sheilds pickup after you installed the George L? I'll give it a good home--Chas
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