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Author Topic:  Lani Kai - Island Love Songs
Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2010 1:29 pm    
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Here's a long gone talent that doesn't get much mention any more, but most cuts on this excellent album show how good he was (pass on the first cut!) http://jukebox.au.nu/retro_grooves/hawaii/vintage/lani_kai_island_love_songs/ and there's plenty of tasty steel as well, some fine vibes, and almost not too much of the silly over-production typical of the era's producers.
Real name, George Clarence Clarence Dennis James von Ruckleman Woodd! How's that for a tounge twisting Hawaiian name...? Lani Kai suited him much better. He does a great Crushed Flowers.

Check out the rest of the mostly very hard to find albums available on this great site.
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Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2010 1:45 pm    
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Who was the steel player, Ron? I'm tempted to move this to Music, but if we can keep it to the steel aspect of this music, I'll keep it here.
Brad’s Page of Steel
A web site devoted to acoustic & electric lap steel guitars
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2010 1:56 pm    
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Got me..., move it down the road.
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George Keoki Lake

Edmonton, AB., Canada
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2010 9:11 pm    
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Last edited by George Keoki Lake on 16 Jun 2010 9:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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George Keoki Lake

Edmonton, AB., Canada
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2010 9:15 pm    
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Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2010 6:45 am    
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Moved to Music from Steel Without Pedals. What were the bumps for?
Brad’s Page of Steel
A web site devoted to acoustic & electric lap steel guitars
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Bill Wynne

New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2010 8:01 am    
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Brad Bechtel wrote:
Who was the steel player, Ron? I'm tempted to move this to Music, but if we can keep it to the steel aspect of this music, I'll keep it here.

The beauty of this album, Brad, is that there were two steelers. One is clearly Barney Isaacs, and the other I suspect to be Danny Stewart based on tone and style.

The interplay between the two steel players is similar to that from the Benny Kalama album "Around The Island In 80 Shakes." Same record label (Decca), same vintage (early 1960's), and borrowing same personnel from the Hawaii Calls group.

And now this thread is officially about steel guitar. Surprised

On a slightly different note, I am highly disturbed at how this recording is being distributed. It is most illegal. I don't care if it is out of print 50 years. For the sake of full disclosure, I am also jealous because when I have attempted similar channels of distribution through a podcast - free of charge and for purely educational purposes - I have been threatened with legal action.
For the best in vintage Hawaiian music - featuring plenty of steel guitar - listen to...

HO`OLOHE HOU RADIO - http://www.hoolohehou.net
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Mitch Drumm


Frostbite Falls, hard by Veronica Lake
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2010 8:13 am    
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Are you referring to the Ho'olohe Hou podcasts??

I have the first 9 podcasts saved to my hard drive.

I just looked at:


and see nothing but your picture. I had not been there in at least a year and did not know it had been discontinued---regrettably.
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 17 Jun 2010 11:06 am    
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Bill Wynne wrote:
The beauty of this album, Brad, is that there were two steelers. One is clearly Barney Isaacs, and the other I suspect to be Danny Stewart based on tone and style.
The interplay between the two steel players is similar to that from the Benny Kalama album "Around The Island In 80 Shakes."
And now this thread is officially about steel guitar. Surprised

On a slightly different note, I am highly disturbed at how this recording is being distributed. It is most illegal. I don't care if it is out of print 50 years. For the sake of full disclosure, I am also jealous because when I have attempted similar channels of distribution through a podcast - free of charge and for purely educational purposes - I have been threatened with legal action.
Thanx, Bill, for your excellent-as-always contributions to the STEEL GUITAR aspects and pointing out the players. I'd not even noticed the fact of TWO steelers in the mix...! Nor targeted a name. Fortunately you noticed and posted before the thread sank, due to the bada-bumps by Keoki. Very Happy

BTW, can you update us on your 50th State Radio sitch? Is the March 17 'starting' date upcoming/valid?
Thanx for asking, Mitch!

Per the Aussie site, jukebox, and it's legal dancing, I've been curious as to how they've managed to avoid problems. Kinda leaves us on-the-fence as to our support for such, but it's a goldmine and I loves da gold! Sure wish you'd have had the same luck to enable the continuance of your awesome show instead of getting humbugged out of it by some bum.
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George Keoki Lake

Edmonton, AB., Canada
Post  Posted 18 Jun 2010 8:20 am    
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Hey Guys and Gals...I apologize for the "bumps". I had written a lot of stuff that I didn't realize was already covered in the attachment...I even asked if LANI KAI was still alive ! (If he were, he would be 72 today). Anyway, my thoughts definitely head the Barney Isaacs direction...I detect his style of steel work. I still have that album in mint condition. Again, my apologies. Embarassed
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Bill Wynne

New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2010 9:07 am    
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Mitch and Ron, how pleasantly surprised I am to learn that I had two listeners. I hope to be able to serve my public again soon. Laughing

A quick history... Ho'olohe Hou (meaning "to listen again," a play on Frank Sinatra's "Reprise" moniker) began as a podcast in January 2007. I released the nine editions as podcasts before learning from musician and lawyer friends that podcasters had not yet worked out royalty issues with BMI, ASCAP, and the RIAA. Since my work was not-for-profit, I assumed naively that it was exempt from such payments. I quickly learned that not only was I wrong, but that publishers were suing podcasters for tens of thousands of dollars per song per listener (since the internet affords the added cruelty of being able to count the listeners). So I threw my hands up in defeat.

Then a start-up internet radio station called 50th State Radio from Las Vegas offered to pay those fees for me for the privilege of broadcasting my show on their "station." I accepted, but nobody was listening during this period because - as many have shared with me - they did not like being beholden to sitting down in front of the computer to listen at a certain hour as if it were the 1940s again. Audiences wanted to be able to listen on demand and save the programs they enjoyed - you know, like a podcast! But that didn't matter in the end since the co-owner/founder of the station passed away suddenly only six months after my show went to air. I had produced two dozen more editions (for which I was never paid) between August 2007 and April 2008, and that station continues to struggle after still a few more name changes and reorganizations.

I continue to shop this show around since - with all due modesty - I think it has tremendous historic and cultural value. I know there are other shows that play out-of-print Hawaiian music recordings, but I aimed at teaching listeners about the musicians and their lives and about the uniqueness of Hawaiian songcraft.

The greatest compliment I have ever been paid about the show is how many of Hawaii's musicians heard the show who did not even own a computer. They heard about it and had friends with computers burn them copies on CDs to listen to. This is how I made the acquaintance of Bobby Ingano.

If anybody has any ideas for an outlet for a show of this kind, I am open to any and all suggestions. For now, I remain saddened that there are no new programs from me without a major broadcast presence to host them and pay for the royalties under their blanket ASCAP/BMI licenses. And, as each two-hour program took more than 20 hours to compile (most of the time spent remastering the out-of-print recordings), it would be nice to earn a little something from the endeavor next time around. I discovered that "labors of love" are not always what they're cracked up to be.

As for the Aussie jukebox deal, it amazes me how they get away with it. But then again, there are some seemingly legit "labels" running out there which I have the sinking suspicion don't pay mechanicals for the recordings they release either.

P.S. Lani Kai passed away in 1999 but will best be remembered for his recurring role in the ABC TV series "Adventures in Paradise" and as one of Elvis's beach boy friends in "Blue Hawaii."
For the best in vintage Hawaiian music - featuring plenty of steel guitar - listen to...

HO`OLOHE HOU RADIO - http://www.hoolohehou.net
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 21 Jun 2010 10:31 am    
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Thanx for filling in the blanks, Bill.
Here's crossing our fingers you'll quickly find an outlet to continue your very worthwhile endeavors.
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George Keoki Lake

Edmonton, AB., Canada
Post  Posted 22 Jun 2010 9:44 pm    
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Well Bill, you can count me as one of your listeners. I have about 10 CD's in my stacker unit in my Honda. I listen to those programs constantly and never tire of them. I just wish I could download more of them! Your announcing voice is excellent and the information you conveyed was 'spot-on' ! Mahalo for all your great effort...sure appreciated ! Very Happy
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