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Paul Higgins


United Kingdom
Post  Posted 15 Mar 2010 3:58 pm    
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I am newbe.I have for the past week or so been useing a book to start playing..I am more a show me person so am waiting on tutorial dvd and also 2 lots of bars as Ive had to order from the big city over the pond these are taking for ever..
i am finding the book ok but am still stuck on the blocking seems to be very jerkey
bt am hoping that this will come with practice..
there is only one song in the book that I know although this is further on in the book than I have advanced..
But have found because I know this song it seems to be a lot easyer and dosent sound as bad as the others when i try playing it..Probly cause I know the tune...I did find this with the keyboard but that was a lot simpler than the steel..
My thinking is this while I am waiting rather than doing nothing I am still practice
if I could find other songs that I know will this help.but not sure what I have to look for..I am c6 so do I look for songs that are written in c6..
the kind of songs would country things like Nobodys darlin but mine,,,Fraulein,,,, cryin time again,,,,welcome to my world, wild side of life... but to name a few
these I have sheet music for piano/keyboard.if anyone can help I would be greatful
Thank you RdGs Paul ps Im hoping the blocking will come with practice..
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Josh Cho

New York, NY (orig. Honolulu, HI)
Post  Posted 15 Mar 2010 4:02 pm     Welcome
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Welcome to the wacky world of steel guitar!

First thing I would try doing is picking out the melody to all the songs you just listed.

Then, looking at the sheet music, try to find all the chords on your steel. Start with the song that has the most basic of chords.

See my easy C6 chord finder here--


Best luck and wishes to you,

Lap-n-Console Steel Guitar Lessons
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