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Scott Henderson

Camdenton, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 6:16 am    
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Well we got home last night about 1:30 and to pooped to type. Just wanted to say thanks again to the SSSGA for a great weekend. We enjoyed ourselves beyond belief.
Always good to see all our friends and was especially nice for us as "Pop" & Pat came over from Amarillo. Still great singers. (Can you believe I had to listen to that 5 nights a week for eleven years hard to take!hehehehehe) I appreciate so much my good friends Dave Owens and Jimmy and Starla Queen coming to play with me. (more outstanding voices!) Rob Parker sounded finer than a Georgia morning, Fred Justice, the rains guitar is a real winner, Jerry and Austin sounded excellent guys (and I'm still waiting on my commission check hehehehe)Dave Musgrave and Dwayne Bowman,OUTSTANDING, The back up band was nothing short of brilliant, you guys were great, Marty and Clovis, thanks again and see you In T-town!, To all the steelers thanks so much for your music it was all a pure joy! Teresa and I feel so blessed to have such a great group of friends and we look forward to many years of your friendship. Thank you again for a great weekend it was the best!

Steelin' away in the ozarks and life,

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Wayne Smith


Rowlett, Tx. USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 7:38 am    
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You are absolutely right. It was a great show in Siloam. You did a marvelous job on your sets. Great playing, singing and control. I was impressed. Your entire group were great. Everyong played great. I won't try to name everyone, but there was an ample supply of great players from beginning to end. All in all, not only was the music wonderful, but the friendship and fellowship was fantastic. Roger kept things rolling as only he can do. Beyond that, the local club, led by Roger, really made everyone feel welcome and wanted. Thanks Siloam for a tremendous weekend. Can't hardly wait for the next Show. God Bless.
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Jerry Lee Newberry


Prim, AR USA
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 8:16 am    
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Yes it was a great show as always. I heard Wayne play. As always we enjoyed him. I didn't hear Scotty's set, but know it was good from hearing him before. Love his singing too. He probaly ate too much to sing much though!!!!!!! I really enjoyed Randy McKee, Louie and Fred too. Jerry and Austin had a great time. Rob sang GREAT as always. Thanks for having us. Donna
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Broken Arrow, OK
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 9:11 am    
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I would also like to chime in with my thanks for a great weekend. Thanks Roger for asking me to play. Thanks to all the club members who provide the atmosphere for a great weekend.

Thanks to everyone who played on my set. Special thanks to Wayne Smith - you are my hero.

Thanks to all for the kind comments. I really enjoyed all the music. I didn't know Roger could sing.... Once again, I was completely amazed by Jerry and Austin's set....
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Larry King


Watts, Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 9:19 am    
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I held off making any comments , hoping someone else would start....thank you Scotty.
It was truly a great weekend....I'm sorry you missed it. I know I can't mention my favorites without someone feeling slighted, but at that risk, here goes...one of my favorite people and players is Louie Hallford, Jerry Newberry (and Austin, of course), Fred Justice, my new hero...first time I got to back him...Buck Grantham, Marty Neer,Vance Monday...Tim McCutchen is one I always look forward to working with however he had an emergency that required him to leave before he got to play. BUT..I think I enjoyed the church service more than any time before. Jerry and Venda Hanley did an absolutely wonderful job and presented the gospel in song and word... they are gifted people...and Venda, wow, that little lady is an awesome talent, playing three keyboards and creating their own soundtracks.
I guess you had to be there.
Musgrave played well and then there's Dewayne Bowman...for a country singer, there is no one better.
Finally Scotty and friends...what an awesome display of versatility and talent...all four band members sang and sang well. Toss in Bowman on guitar and vocals and the result was one hey of a show.
I'd also like to say thank you to Roger and all the officers for their help...to the Ladies who prepared the food..thanks Debbie. I believe it was the best ever.
And thank you to the club for hiring Jeff Tatum to provide the sound. It truly made a difference.
You missed a good one.
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Michael Breid


Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 11:10 am    
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The Siloam Springs show was great, but I have to thank all those wonderful ladies who provided all the goodies for all of us to munch on. Thanks ladies. You're the best. Also a big thanks to the "Rog" for putting on this shindig. Am already looking forward to next year. Happy Trails. Michael
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Michael McGee

Everton, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 2:13 pm    
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A special note to Tim McCutchen: Tim, I'm sorry to have to tell you that your replacement wasn't very good, because... well, it was me.

Seriously, Tim, we were all very distressed at your leaving, and I trust and pray that everyone in your family is healthy and healing.

I need to thank Roger for asking me to fill in, but I suspect those sneaky Hanleys had something to do with it! Jerry and Venda, words can't express what you mean to me.

A huge thanks to Jimmy and Dave for a groove to die for (as always!), Buck for being perfect on lead. Mac Bellingrath was super - but he plays backward with the wrong hand (I know, because I'm left-handed too)!

And Rob Parker, thank you brother. Always there to bail me out and keep me on track.

Great to visit with Keith Hilton and hear him play. Scott Henderson, great to see you, and I apologize for leaving. I 'left some runners on base' but I'm told you drove them in for me.

I got to meet Jerry and Austin - fantastic set by them. I can't imagine possessing Austin's knowledge at the age of 10. Heck, what am I saying? I don't possess his knowledge at 51.

Jerry's dobro and pedal work was great, too. Louie, Vance, heck, the Saturday lineup was great - such a great day to listen and learn. We were sorry to leave and miss Sunday, but Mary and I had to get home this time. But we'll plan a bit better next year!

I am left with the memory of how beautiful the area, the building, the venue is. Just a perfect place for a steel party.

4/26 - I left something out yesterday. RAY QUALLS, why aren't you singing at KSGA meetings? What a great voice. You better get ready, cause I want to hear you sing next meeting!

[This message was edited by Michael McGee on 26 April 2005 at 07:42 AM.]

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Tim McCutchen

Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 3:29 pm    
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Thank you so much for the prayers and thoughts about my family. They are fine, other than being bruised and banged up.I am sure you played great Michael and I look forward to meeting you. Thanks to everyone for their concern with emails and phone calls. I really missed being there but I was needed more at home. I hope to see everyone at the Tulsa show.
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ray qualls

Baxter Springs, Kansas (deceased)
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 4:19 pm    
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Thanks to Roger and all the SSSGC for the great time that was had. Everyone played great and the weather was beautiful. So good to see everyone and a good time was had by all. Just glad that Tim's family is OK. Thanks for having me and looking forward to Tulsa next month. Ray Qualls
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Fred Justice

Mesa, Arizona
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 6:46 pm    
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Well folks,I just got home about an hour ago,dead tired but it was all worth it.
This show is one of my favorite's to attend.
No,not because of the food Scott,(hee hee)
its just a warm feeling show to be at not to speak of all the good steel guitar music.
We sold one new Rains at the show and thank all of you that came around to try one out or just visit,it was a blast.
I'll see some of you at the Choo Choo show real soon,thanks again to Roger and the SSSGA
crew for all you do,God Bless.

Fred Justice
Rains Steel Guitars

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Buck Grantham R.I.P.

Denham Springs, LA. USA
Post  Posted 25 Apr 2005 8:27 pm    
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We always have a great time at the Siloam Springs show , but this year was the best one yet. I especially enjoyed Jerry and Venda's part of the show.We just got home and I'm so tired I'm dizzy in the head. And it was great to see our friends again. Thanks Roger and all of the club members for putting on a great show. The sound man did an outstanding job for us too. Love, Buck & Mitzi
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Lavelle Pierce


huntsvile,ar 72740
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2005 3:16 am    
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I want to thank everyone for coming to the show. It was the first convention that I've played at.I really enjoyed it.Tim,I'm sorry you could not stay.I hope your wife is OK. Thanks everyone again. God bless Lavelle

[This message was edited by Lavelle Pierce on 26 April 2005 at 10:24 AM.]

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Jerry Lee Newberry


Prim, AR USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2005 4:24 am    
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Buck, I didn't get to hear you play, but I'm sure it was great. It always is. Did you every find you bar and picks? Donna
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Buck Grantham R.I.P.

Denham Springs, LA. USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2005 8:49 am    
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Yes I did find my bars and picks and I am so tickled about it . Those picks get to be one of the family. They fit perfect and never come off my fingers however I think maybe I sounded better with Austin's bar. I got to think about that a while. I am so pleased with Austin's progress and he's such a nice person( I can't say KID because he acts more like a grown up to me. I am thinking seriously of adopting him. He's already showing me licks. Don't laugh,, I'm not kidding!!!!
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C.D. Richards


Post  Posted 26 Apr 2005 12:16 pm    
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Scott, you said it all. What a great week-end. Great music, great fellowship & a beautiful setting with near perfect weather. Roger & his staff deserve so much credit for all their effort in putting the show together & keeping it running so smoothly. There was a few moments of concern when we heard Tim's family was involved in an accident, so glad to hear that they were not seriously injured & they are recovering. Tim we missed your playing & look forward to seeing you in Tulsa. I'd like to say a special thanks to Buck, Fred, Louie & Rob for letting me interupt their jam to go over a couple of songs with Pat Cox. I want to thank Pat & Clark for helping me with my set. Once again, thanks to the SSSGA for letting me be a part of the show. Hope to see you all in Tulsa next month. Clovis
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Jerry Lee Newberry


Prim, AR USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2005 5:58 pm    
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Buck, Glad you found your bar and picks. Austin lost his right before he was to play. He was about to panick. Ray Qualls was helping him look for them. They finally found them right where they should have been. In his pouch hanging on his guitar. He's too young to be that forgetfull. Maybe you two can swap some more licks in Tulsa. Donna
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