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Ron Victoria


New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2009 6:29 am    
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I want to export the address book from my Outlook Express to Verizon. Can I move it as a whole?

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Wiz Feinberg

Mid-Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2009 7:57 am    
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You can use File > Export > Address Book to create a CSV file of your contacts, then try to import it into your Verizon email client. It is up to that client whether you can do a straight import, in MS Address Book, or in CSV format.
"Wiz" Feinberg, Moderator SGF Computers Forum
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Ron Victoria


New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2009 10:25 am    
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When I tried to import it to Verizon, the message said it had to have a CSV ext. So when I exported it again and was asked to name it, I just added .CSV That didn't work, so I printed out the file and will add those email addy's I need. I'm sure it would work if I did it correctly, but was probably not "speaking" computer language.

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Mitch Drumm


Frostbite Falls, hard by Veronica Lake
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2009 2:17 pm    
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I went through something similar when trying to move from Windows Mail to Thunderbird mail.

The short story is this: don't expect much of export/import programs. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Thunderbird could not make any sense of what I had exported from Windows Mail--and I can't blame it. The Windows Mail export folders had seemingly random names with seemingly random content. When imported by Thunderbird, it was jumbled even worse.

Advice: export as few mail folders as possible and be prepared to re-enter your address book by hand.
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John Cipriano

San Francisco
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2009 5:03 pm    
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For contacts, here's what I would do. Start a new address book in the Verizon software. Make a dummy person or two, like

Lastname, Firstname, J.
Mobile: (123) 456-7890
Home: (555) 555-5555

Then export *that* to CSV, if the program allows it. Open the CSV in Excel. Now you know which columns are which. Maybe the Last Name column is first, then the type of number followed by the number. It depends on the program.

Then you export your Windows Address Book data to a CSV, open it in Excel and move the columns until it matches the format that the Verizon software uses. Then import it into Verizon.

I've done this with a BlackBerry address book, AOL address books, etc. But whether it works depends on the software. The Verizon may not export to CSV. At work we have some older iDEN phones (the kind with a two-way radio) and they only export to an MS Access database.

CSV is not a set standard, it's just a way of saying that you put your data into a file with commas between the fields. OE might put the name first but Verizon might put the number first, etc.


Slightly off-topic:

I've found that the easiest way to move email is to use IMAP mail, even if only temporarily, and drag the mail back into the inbox. It takes a while, but it also takes a while trying to find a program or plugin or what-have-you that will go between mailbox formats. Obviously if you don't have access to an IMAP box this doesn't help, though. And it depends on how much mail you have.

IMAP is better if you need to check your mail from multiple systems, or a computer and a phone. Rather than move the mail from the server to your computer, it leaves it on the server and downloads just the headers. This keeps everything in sync, so you could delete mail from your phone and the next time you check your mail on your computer, it will be deleted.
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