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Darryl Hattenhauer

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2009 8:12 am    
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Bobbe's latest newsletter is about tour bus drivers who drink, text, eat etc. while speeding, weaving, etc. I had no idea. If a driver like this can get a steady job with Johnny Bigstar, I wonder what the average touring band gets.

Can something be done about this? Is it possible to create an organization for certified tour bus drivers? Musicians and roadies could watch the guy drive during each tour and report on him to get him in or out. And the ones who are certified would get paid better. Musicians' drivers should have to look, act, and drive like Greyhound drivers--including a uniform (imho).
Steel crazy after all these years.

$100 reward for info leading to the purchase of a fender D8 white, yellow, or butterscotch.
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Joey Ace

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2009 8:36 am    
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I suspect a driver as incompetent as the one Bobster described will only keep his job if he is related to Mr. Bigstar, or at least has neked photos of him.

There's a lot on nepotism involved in the business.

Great story, Bobbe! I especially liked the "broken arm" come-back. I'll be stealin that one for future use.
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Charles Davidson


Phenix City Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2009 9:04 am    
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Don't worry about the driver of our bus,A Silver Eagle,in our band [Strokin Dixie] Our band leader owns it,He takes NO chances with his baby,so that includes the cargo[us].We have three members,the band leader,the drummer, and the bass player that are pro drivers,and they ACT that way when they get behind the wheel.No one gets behind the wheel if they have even had JUST ONE beer. NEVER.Of course ANYONE may have an accident at ANYTIME no matter how careful they are,But the guy Bobbe was talking about is a disaster waiting to happen,Some day it will. DYKBC.
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Pete Finney


Nashville Tn.
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2009 9:05 am    
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I've been on buses with dozens of different drivers over the years, and I have to say that in my experience what Bobbe describes is the exception, not the rule these days. Especially drivers who drive for the big bus leasing companies (which is almost all drivers on big tours these days); they're almost always at the hotel asleep during the gigs, unless there's a day off where they don't have to drive until the next day, and they wouldn't be caught with a beer in their hand anywhere unless they were through with their shift for the day.

The cell phone thing is pretty common though and bugs the hell out of me, but it's really not that different from having a CB mike in hand all the time like the old days...

And drivers on big tours are usually very well paid; unfortunately in country music you can't always say that about the musicians! I'm sure Mr. Cox and Mr. Owsley would confirm that having been on both sides of it! Cool

Of course Bobbe being Bobbe his take on the subject is funny as hell, and I don't question his experience; I just don't think it's typical..
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Rick Campbell

Sneedville, TN, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2009 9:20 am    
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How many of you have been in bands where most everyone took their turn at driving the bus, and you would change drivers while going down the highway? The new driver would hold the steering wheel and the old driver would get up and let the new one sit down.
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Darryl Hattenhauer

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2009 9:28 am    
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The new driver would hold the steering wheel and the old driver would get up and let the new one sit down.

We might not hear from many of those guys because a lot of them probably got killed doing it. Bobbe's lucky to be alive after trading the driving duties with Johnny Paycheck.
Steel crazy after all these years.

$100 reward for info leading to the purchase of a fender D8 white, yellow, or butterscotch.
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Charles Davidson


Phenix City Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2009 11:50 am    
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Rick, been there done that a LONG time ago,When I was young and stupid,now I'm too old and stupid to do it.It'n it a shame YOUTH is wasted on YOUNG guys ? DYKBC.
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Darryl Hattenhauer

Phoenix, Arizona, USA
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2009 2:54 pm    
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'Bama Charlie,

What's DYKBC mean?
Steel crazy after all these years.

$100 reward for info leading to the purchase of a fender D8 white, yellow, or butterscotch.
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 4 Jun 2009 3:39 pm    
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The new driver would hold the steering wheel and the old driver would get up and let the new one sit down.

Shuckins. That's a piece of cake in a bus! (You oughta try it in a hardtop corvette once. Winking )
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