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Author Topic:  Bobby Boatright
Jimmy Queen


Camdenton, Missouri, USA
Post  Posted 28 Dec 2008 9:22 pm    
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Received this email from the River Road Boys:

"Sad news to report, dear friends.God, in His divine grace, just this day has called to His heavenly kingdom our fellow western swing Hall-of-fame fiddle player, Bobby Boatright. Please keep his family in your prayers through this difficult period. The western swing bandstand will never be the same. Rest in peace, Bob Boatright

Following are the funeral arrangements for Bobby Boatright: Visitation will be held from 6:00p.m. until 8:00p.m., Monday, December 29, 2008 at the following location:Blessing Funeral Home401 Elm StreetMansfield, Texas(817) 473-1555 There will be graveside services ONLY atMansfield CemeteryKimball & Burl Ray St.Mansfield, Texas10:00 a.m.Tuesday, December 30, 2008"
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Rob Parker


Paducah, Kentucky, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 28 Dec 2008 11:08 pm    
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This is indeed very sad news.
Mr Bobby has been a good friend for over 35 years.He was a favorite entertainer of so many people over the years.
I shall miss him..his music,his humor, and his friendship.
Rest in eternal peace dear friend.The storms have passed.
My thoughts and prayers to his family, and family of friends.
RP...'come on in'...
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Mike Gross

Manchester, Connecticut, USA
Post  Posted 29 Dec 2008 3:52 am    
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Bob Wills might have one more fiddle player in Heaven but we lost both a great musician and a wonderful human being. He suffered too much over the past couple of years; it just wasn't right!

Susan and I send out all of our deepest and most peaceful thoughts to Bobby's entire family.
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Fred Shannon

Rocking "S" Ranch, Comancheria, Texas, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 29 Dec 2008 7:43 am    
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Our deepest sympathies and prayers for the Boatright family. He was a super individual and probably never had an enemy. Just a great guy. We'll miss him.

The Shannon Family
There are only two defining forces that have offered to die for you; Jesus Christ and the American GI!!

Think about it!!
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Roy Rosetta

Nederland, Texas.. On the Texas Gulf Coast
Post  Posted 29 Dec 2008 9:20 am    
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Mine and Barbara's condolences go out to Bobby's family for their loss. Bobby was not only a great musician but more so a great person and friend. Rest with Our Lord Bobby.
...Roy and Barbara
Music is a "gift" with many wrappings....
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Chuck Cusimano


Weatherford, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 29 Dec 2008 12:09 pm    
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So sad to think that he has gone, and yet we can rest assured that he will have his own place in God's great Western Swing band. He was always nice to me, from the first time I met him to the last time I saw him.
He liked to joke, and always had something going on. He showed me the drawing of the "cat Transporter" in Ruidoso several years ago, and I have not been "right' since. He claimed to hate harmonicas, so I'd tell him if he ran his fiddle cord through an M.X.R. Phaze 90, he could get that Harmonica sound. He got a lot of ribbing from his friends about Harmonicas.
I will miss him, and his wonderful friendship, sence of humor, and most of all, his fine playing. He's in a better place now, and free of pain. My heart goes out to his family and also YOU... his friends.
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