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Author Topic:  New Magazine coming soon
Bill Taft


Sturgeon Mo. USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 27 Jun 2003 11:50 am    
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I talked to Terry 6-26-03 at about midnight and he was up and working on the mag as he is a little behind, because the last 14 days he has played 20 gigs that is to say some session's and the rest clubs, so it put him just a little behind but what he told me of the 2nd mag coming out even if it is just a little late it will be worth it all I know it is going to be one of the best magazines ever put out so I decided that even if I get it later then I thought it will be good when I do get it so instead of getting mad I decided to stay glad that we have someone who is trying to make a magazine that will be one of the best ever.
Thanks Terry for taking the extra time to put out a wonderful product.
Bill Taft

Bill Taft- - 98 Lacquer Zum Red&Black 8&8-Two Put together Tele's
1985 Evans FET-500 1975 Session 400 1976 Session 77 LTD Hilton or SHO-BUD pedal and a RV-3!!!!!!!!

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