well I decided to clean out my music room and here's the list all include postage, and all are like or new condition.
1. Bobbe Seymour's "the famous all pull video" $25.00 includes shipping.
2. Buddy Emmons recorded live July 17, 1977 Pembroke, Mass. excellent Buddy 17 songs.
$25.00 with postage. *pending payment*
3. Bobbie Seymour "3pedal, 2 knee lever instruction video" $25.00 with postage.
4. Beginning Blues Guitar video new still in plastic, $ 15.00 with postage.
5. Mel Bay's Super pedal steel picking by Wally Meyers. $15.00 with postage.
6. Joe Wright's Steel Guitar video #12 beginner #2 E9th tuning $25.00 with postage.
7. Joe Wright's Steel Guitar video # 3 beginner #3 E9th tuning $25.00 with postage.
more to come..
Skip Keane[This message was edited by Skip Keane on 17 July 2006 at 08:23 AM.]