All instruction books/videos are in excellent to near new condition. Selling price includes shipping in the Cont. US.
* Pedal Steel Guitar (Winston) - with CD $15 (Sale Pending)
* A Manual of Style (Winston)- with 2 discs $18 (Sale Pending)
* Get Inside (J.D. Maness)- video with tab $25 (Sale Pending)
* Pedal Steel Guitar (B. Bouton) - video $20 (Sale Pending)
* Hot Tips & Cool Tricks E9th (T. White) - video $20 (Sale Pending)
[This message was edited by Bill Donlin on 17 February 2005 at 09:12 AM.]
[This message was edited by Bill Donlin on 17 February 2005 at 09:15 AM.]
[This message was edited by Bill Donlin on 18 February 2005 at 05:48 PM.]