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Post new topic HSGA Joliet 2004 - A few performing slots left!
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Author Topic:  HSGA Joliet 2004 - A few performing slots left!
Gerald Ross

Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 18 Aug 2004 5:07 am    
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Aloha all.

There are a few performing slots remaining on the schedule for the Hawaiian Steel Guitar Association's Joliet 2004 convention. Go to the HSGA website, download the application and send it in quick.

Here's your chance to let the world hear what you've been working on in your basement for the past year!

If a bar slants in a basement and nobody hears it, does it make a sound?

Even if you aren't planning on performing, send in your registration so you don't miss the deadline for the discounted hotel rooms.

HSGA Joliet Convention. October 14-16, 2004

Gerald Ross
'Northwest Ann Arbor, Michigan's King Of The Hawaiian Steel Guitar'

Gerald's Fingerstyle Guitar Website

[This message was edited by Gerald Ross on 18 August 2004 at 08:46 AM.]

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