I have a pair of Peavey Nashville 112E's for sale. Excellent condition 325.00 + Shipping
Peavey DPC 750, single space power amp. Excellent working condition. Has some Rack rash from previous owner. 375.00 + shipping.
DTR-1 Korg Rack Tuner, excellent condition, no scratches on facing. 175.00+ shipping
4 Space custom made steel guitar rack case, with side door, butterfly latches, spring loaded handles, with black ozite covering. Has place to mount a wall wart power supply on the inside of the case.$100.00 + shipping
Steel guitar case, fits and D-10 Emmons guitar. Good condition, has some exterior rash, interior is velvet red, good condition.
75.00 + Shipping
Furman power conditioner. Like new, No lights
35.00 + Shipping
[This message was edited by Tim Pillow on 10 September 2004 at 12:14 PM.]