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Author Topic:  Open letter to Rico Turchetti's sons
Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 9 Sep 2006 11:30 am    
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First, let me congratulate you on your father’s induction into the Hall o fame. One of the great things about the HOF is that it exposes newer players to the great players of the past and keeps their memories alive.

Like so many 3rd and 4th generation players, I am not familiar with your father’s work. But now I am very interested in hearing his recordings, and there are undoubtedly others who feel the same way.

I suggest you press up 25 or 50 copies (for starts) of the CD, so people like me can buy them.

If you are willing to spend some money, there is a company here in Los Angeles that does sound restoration of older recordings. However they are quite expensive. (Their clients are typically record companies and film studios.) If you contact me, I’ll send you more details about this.

But regardless of whether or not you utilize this company’s services, I hope you make the CD available.
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Chris Turchetti


Rhode Island, USA
Post  Posted 23 Nov 2006 7:46 pm    
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Sorry for the late reply.
Hello , I'm Chris Turchetti , Rico Turchetti' son .I'm a member here now.
As you know , there IS a cd available now. I would imagine that people can contact me through this forum , but if not , my Email address is chris033@cox.net . I was going to post a picture here , but I'm not seeing that it's possible in this forum , if I'm wrong , please tell me so I can send some pictures to all of you.
I have several pictures of my Dads' guitar that show the pedals that he used to connect the strings to using toilet chains. The Cd has many recordings from 1951-1952 when he appeared as a special guest every week on the Arthur Godfrey Show ,the number 1 T.V. show of it's time. The day after his passing , I was looking around for some pictures to show at his wake. I came across this box which my Brother & I had seen under his bed many times ,but for some mystical reason , we never asked about it. Well, we finally decided to open it the day after he died and inside it was a bunch of old 78 rpm records ,saying on the label " 1951,CBS recordsThe Arthur Godfrey Show , Rico Turchetti, How High The Moon" , Or "Tiger Rag" ,or St. Louie Blues" , a bunch of different records. I was shocked and relieved all at once because I knew that my Dad was a humble man with no ego at all , but I always wondered if there were any recordings available from those days, but I guess that I was asking for videos , not records and he never brought them up. I'm Still searching for any videos available through CBS ,but I haven't found even one.
Long story about getting these 78's transferred to Cd ,but I had it done semi-professionally and I'm 100% happy with the results, clicks, hiss,pops, scratches & all , they sound priceless (Actually, VERY expensive). Back then, the records weren't even made of vinyl , they were acetate and if you drop a modern dimond needle onto the disc, it's ruined , if you didn't clean it properly, it was ruined, if the weight of the needle was too much, it was ruined .......You get the picture. I make the Cd's myself now and I put some pictures in it and give a song list with the title and the date . Arthur Godfrey asks him questions about the guitar before he plays a couple of times and I included that on the Cd. I'm sure that there are alot of questions that hopefully I can answer for you on this forum because I've read some interesting comments that were incorrect or not 100% right and I'd like to clear these up. So , Ask away , I'm happy to respond. Thanx for all of the kind words and enjoy the CD. -Chris Turchetti-
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Chris LeDrew

Post  Posted 23 Nov 2006 8:01 pm    
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The induction of Rico Turchetti, accepted by his family, was a special moment in St. Louis this year, and I'm glad I was there to hear this touching story first-hand.
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Jody Carver

Post  Posted 1 Dec 2006 7:03 pm    
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Rico Turchetti was an inspiration to me, and I would like to hear his early on recordings,which would be in vogue in todays steel guitar world. Great player and a pioneer.His induction into the Hall Of Fame was long over due, and I'm sorry that Rico himself was not to see this honor betowed upon his incredible talent. I am happy for his family.

[This message was edited by Jody Carver on 01 December 2006 at 07:06 PM.]

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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 1 Dec 2006 8:37 pm    
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Mike - Thanks for the post about Ricco Turchetti.

I remember Ricco. I was playing my Gibson 6 pedal Electra-Harp in those days and I heard Ricco play on the Arthur Godfrey radio show. Right away, I knew that we had another great Pedal Steel player on the Horizen.(not many pop Pedal players in those days).
He played in the style of Alvino Rey who was our Buddy Emmons in those days.
"Tiger Rag" and "St.Louis Blues" were big hits to play in those days.

I am sure glad that Ricco finally got inducted into the Steel Guitar Hall of Fame. He and Jody Carver (SGHOF)were two of our Early Pioneers, in the popular field....al

My Website..... www.cmedic.net/~almarcus/

[This message was edited by Al Marcus on 01 December 2006 at 08:40 PM.]

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