Ray Montee
From: Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Posted 19 Feb 2006 9:56 pm
Here's a tune that should stir some memories of the older steel players while at the same time, grabbing the curiosity of some of you newer students of the electric Hawaiian
steel guitar..........
"Farewell Blues" as recorded off of the air waives way back in the 1940's from Radio WJR in Detroit, I think it was. I wasn't there, of course, as I was but a small child....but some of you other fellows will likely recall it quite well.
Ernie Cornileson, later to become known as Ernie Lee of RCA Records fame.......was the emcee and fine rhythm guitarist. Something is definitely lacking in this old recording, Oh, I know what it was, it was the current bone shattering whack-whack of some spacey drummer doing rim-shots with this great little duo. My.............
Hope you enjoy it. It's on the intro page to Jerry Byrd's Fan Club. |