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Topic: Leonard T. Zinn 79th Birthday |
Evelyn Whitney
From: Muskegon, MI 49441 USA
Posted 29 Dec 2003 9:02 am
Leonard T. Zinn celebrated his 79th birthday on Dec.27th with loved ones here in Michigan and with phone calls from his children and friends in PA.
He was treated to a steak and salad dinner by myself on the 27th and to lunch on Sunday by my grandson, Paul and later that same day, dinner and a movie, by my youngest son, Scott and wife Marlene.
He spoiles all of us and we tried to spoil him a little.
Needless to say, he is a great asset to the non-pedal world of steel guitar.
We are totally proud of him and his terrific talent.
Happy Birthday L. T. We love you.
Evelyn |
Lawrence Sullivan
From: Granite City, Illinois, USA
Posted 29 Dec 2003 9:46 am
My wife and I had the pleasure of hearing Leonard play and to meet him in St Charles, Mo recently
Sure is a fine person and a great player, Happy Birthday Leonard and we hope you have many many more
Larry and Ruby Sullivan |
Jeff Strouse
From: Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Posted 29 Dec 2003 11:41 am
Hi L.T.!
It was such an honor to finally get to meet you at the last Honolulu HSGA convention.
Happy Birthday and Happy New Year!
Blake Hawkins
From: Florida
Posted 29 Dec 2003 12:20 pm
Happy Birthday!
You were one of the first steel players who influenced me during your 101 Ranch Boy's days.
It was very nice to meet you in Atlanta a few years ago.
Many, Many happy returns.
Blake |
Ray Montee
From: Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Posted 29 Dec 2003 9:20 pm
Happy Birthday!
When I was but a wee lad......I used to listen to your beautiful playing with those 101 Ranch Boys. As I recall, you used to
roll simple chords simply as background music between regular songs. It sounded like a C#min tuning, at least that's how my fading old memory recalls it. |
Warren Slavin
From: Southampton, PA, 18966. USA
Posted 2 Jan 2004 6:00 pm
Hi L T,
Congratulations -- I always thought you were 59, give or take twenty years.
We always enjoy your many contributions in various steel guitar gatherings. The Aloha International SGC and the HSGA conventions especially appreciate your many activities,
ie., seminars, Emcee, backup playing, antics, jokes(?), and matchless steel guitar playing -- we never heard you sing, maybe we don't want to -- whatever.
Good Luck and enjoy the moment !!
Mahalo nui loa and me ke aloha pumehana !!
David Kitchen
From: Fostoria, Ohio, USA
Posted 4 Jan 2004 10:50 am