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Dennis Atkins

St. Paul, Minnesota
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2004 7:05 pm    
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I hope Red doesn't mind this post, but be on the lookout in St. Louis for a new CD by Red Kilby, featuring Lloyd Green, Ralph Mooney, Dickie Overby, and Jerry Brightman on steel.

I was given a preview today by Red, and this one is a KNOCKOUT!!. If you want to hear some great traditional country songs, and come really GREAT STEEL, then get this CD while you are in St. Louis.

Red told me about this project in May, and I was surprised to hear that it was done. I have seen the artwork for the CD, and it is a great layout.

This is a CD that pays homage to the great Bakersfield sound, as well as what traditional country music should sound like. Red told me today that it should be available for St. Louis, so be sure to scour the tables until you find it. Red will be in the building, and jamming with any and all steel players, so look him up.


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Red Kilby


Pueblo, CO, USA * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2004 7:35 pm    
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Hi everyone, YES the cat is out of the bag.

I have put together a CD for all you REAL COUNTRY MUSIC lovers, and Steel Guitar Fans.

This project is entitled Red Kilby "Keepin' it Real" and like my friend Dennis said it has Lloyd Green, Ralph Mooney, Dicky Overbey and Jerry Brightman on Steel doing what they do best along with some Twin Steel work from Lloyd and Jerry, and collaberations from Ralph and Dicky.
Also featured are as follows:
Redd Volkaert and Junior Knight on Lead Guitar.
Dale Morris Sr. on Fiddle
Dick Dunn on Drums
Reggie Brown on Bass
Jeff Williams on Keys
Redd Volkaert on Rhythm Guitar and
Jake Hooker on Harmony vocals.
Red Kilby on Lead vocals
I have been working along with Producer Joe Bielinski and Sound Engineers Robert Snyder and Greg Kane for the past few months on this project.

The songs are as follows with who is on Steel:
1. That Bakersfield Sound= Dicky and Ralph
2. When she does me right = Lloyd
3. I'll come running = Jerry
4. Colors I'm gonna paint the town = Ralph
5. Crystal Chandeliers = Lloyd
6. Honky Tonk Heartache = Ralph
7. If there's one angel missing = Dicky
8. Your's to hurt tomorrow = Lloyd
9. Just between you and me = Lloyd
10. AKA Gumpy's Girl = Dicky
11. I'm gonna knock on your door = Lloyd and Jerry
12. 11 months and 29 days = Ralph and Dicky

The master is done and I should have this project ready and available from the printers in time for St. Louis.

This comment is coming directly from Lloyd himself after we cut in the studio, "This is one of the best projects I have ever played on and the steel solo I played on Crystal Chandeliers is as good or better than the one I played on the Alan Jackson song Remember When" also "Mooney sounds like the Moon from the late 50's and 60's all over again"

There are lots of studio pictures and info also within this collage of musical history, so if you all like GREAT STEEL and REAL COUNTRY look me up in St. Louis.

Take care and God Bless, "KEEPIN' IT REAL" Red Kilby.

P.S. This is the 1st public forum I have had to say THANKS to everyone envolved, so here goes>>>> THANKS!!!!!!!!
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Bill Llewellyn

San Jose, CA
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2004 7:41 pm    
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Please keep us posted. This sounds like a great CD that many of us would want to own.
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Walter Stettner

Vienna, Austria
Post  Posted 19 Aug 2004 9:01 pm    
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Yes, you have to have this one! Great singing by Red and great playing by those legendary players! I can testify, because Red called me the other day after midnight my time and gave me a listen - enough to stop me from sleeping that night!

You gotta hear this one!

Kind Regards, Walter


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