Ron Whitfield
From: Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Posted 26 Jul 2004 3:50 pm
It was great to finally get to read an article on Marian, one of my favorite steelers, and with such a fine job by Cindy who knew to ask the right questions. Interesting to know(at least for me) that she has lived in the same general area of So. Cal all these years that I happened to grow up in and also was home to such musical luminaries as Paul Bigsby, Noel Boggs, Eddie Cochran, and many other hot shots of the good old days. I guess it wasn't the water cause I still don't have a lick of the talent that she and any of those folks had.
Here's a quote from the article that I enjoyed concerning her steel influences- "I think Jerry Byrd is exceptional, he had more inate ability than anyone on the 6 string. And Joaquin Murphey was incredible." I certainly concure.
Jussi, thanx for the tip on the web site. While many of the 'Town Hall Party' shows have been available for many years in decent condition, it's been difficult to get the 'Ranch Party' vids in watchable shape. This looks to be a fine source. Marian usually gets a chance to rip one or two during a sequence, usually when Maphis is the feature. She had/has great taste, so no great shock that she beat out Boggs for the then open steel spot, even at such a young age.
Way to go Marian, all the best to you! |