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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 25 May 2004 8:22 pm    
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I'm still getting over it, so my thoughts aren't yet particularly coordinated....

First - Russ Hicks. Thanks for making me see sense and come down off the fence - how COULD I have contemplated missing it? You played beautifully, and Laney excelled herself. Thank you for all your encouragemant.

Buddy Emmons. Something special happens when 'E' plays. He has the biggest 'heart' in music, and 'Nightlife' left me stunned; how does he make it all sound so fresh every time?

Doug Jernigan's fluidity is almost beyond belief - and how about that new 'take' on 'My Funny Valentine'?

Herby was electrifying, Mike Sweeney played beautifully, and Larry Sasser's guitar was the best-sounding one there! 'Wichita Lineman' was lovely.

Mike Sigler - what a great right-hand! Junior Knight was great, too - it was the first time I'd heard this fine player, and I enjoyed meeting him, too. He played some excellent guitar, too. I loved Jr's sound on the MSA.

Talking of 'first timers' - I'd never heard Randy Beavers before, and I can barely express my appreciation of this man's musicality and dexterity. It's hard to believe that he actually stopped playing for a few years - I dread to think what would happen to MY technique if I did the same.

It's not my intention to omit anybody, but these are my overriding impressions. I reckon it cost me about $450 all told - in terms of inspiration, it was a great deal!

Thanks to everyone involved in this wonderful event - and what a joy it was to be in a smoke-free environment!

Roger Rettig
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Mike Sweeney

Post  Posted 26 May 2004 6:13 am    
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Thanks for the kind words Roger. It was great to see you again. I have to agree with regards to Buddy. He definately has that special something. If you enjoyed Chattanooga, you should consider coming to Bristol in October. It's turning into a great show and is also a smoke free environment. Looks like a great line up so far!

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Roger Rettig

Naples, FL
Post  Posted 26 May 2004 9:17 am    
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I'll be there if I can, Mike, but I can't take a weekend off from a two-month run of a theatre-show. Fortunately, all I lost by going to Chattanooga was a single Friday night gig at a Golf Club dance - if I hadn't come, Russ would have REALLY made me feel guilty!

As a 'PS', I have to say that I marvel at all you guys who play these shows - I'm perfectly happy in front of an audience of thousands, and even on TV, but I'd totally freeze in front of a roomful of steel players (especially some of you 'monsters'!!!!)

Roger R.
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Russ Hicks


Pegram, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 31 May 2004 7:48 am    
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Hey Roger....great to see you in Choo Choo,,,I'm glad to hear you agree that Friday and the Big E was worth the trip...I hope you can work it in your schedule to come to one of our NTSGA jams...the next one is July 6...also Nils called and said he nor Jerry would be coming to St Louis this year...too bad....no room in the schedule...stay in tune(touch).
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George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 31 May 2004 8:44 am    
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Russ, how do I find out more about the July 6th NTSGA Jam? I really enjoyed you and Laney at Bristol, but unfortunately, I couldn't make Chattanooga. I have never been to a NTSGA jam, but would like to attend some time. Is there always room for one more?
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