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Leslie Ehrlich

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Post  Posted 7 May 2003 9:03 pm    
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Back in the 1980s (I can't remember what year) I heard country tune that had macho-sounding lyrics that went something like this:

"I've got George Jones on the record player, I've got whiskey in a jar, I think I'll break this bottle neck and play some slide guitar..."

And what befuddles me is that there is no slide guitar solo - the solo is actually a PSG solo with pedals mashing away. D-uh.

Who did this song? And for those who want a real challenge in answering this question, who played steel on it?
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Henning Antonsen


Gaupevegen 18, 2335 Stange, Norway
Post  Posted 8 May 2003 1:02 am    
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The song in question is "Wise Blood", written and recorded by Tom Russell.
The steel player is Fats Kaplin.

Henning Antonsen
Emmons LeGrande III

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