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Author Topic:  Hand me that Oboe...
Chas Holman

10 miles outa Lone Star, TX - USA
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2003 6:19 pm    
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I recently broke into the resophonic world and have become addicted to the point of taking the dobro to some of our jam sessions instead of the Sho-Bud....

So..... my fiance and I were recently invited to participate in a musical shindig up in Oregon. The event was to feature many local and some Northern California musicians in a private party environment. Our schedules were such that we won't be making the gig, but... (here's the funny part)....

The person who called us about the event told us, "The whole thing is going to be COMPLETELY accoustic.... so absolutely NO amplifiers... Now, we would all love for Chas to play steel but, without amps, well, anyway... we were wondering.... Could he bring his Oboe..?"
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N.Y.C.-Fire Island-Asheville
Post  Posted 24 Aug 2003 6:36 pm    
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Otay, Panky....
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