Steve, thanks for bragging on my special nephew for me! I think he's great, too! He lived for a time with my Mom, Dad & I about the time I was going through my singing cowboy phase. Bobbe was like a "little brother" to me, I think? I never had a little brother, just 2 big brothers! The older of them was Bobbe's Dad, a great musician, arranger, piano man & person and while he was in the service Bobbe & I had fun on the homestead farm in Stedman NY! I used to finger the chords (left hand) on my guitar & he'd play the thumb style right hand! (Before he was old ennough to finger the chords) When I got my first pedals I gave him my homemade (from Epiphone 8 string parts) triple neck. A few years ago he said..
Look what you did to me! It's all your fault
that I'm into this steel guitar stuff so deep! I'm proud of him (even if he doesn't like keyless steels as much as I do!) We are all individuals and that's the way it should be! I was playing & enjoying his CDs this morning and thinking how lucky I was! Now if he'd only come up to the northeast & give me another airplane ride!! What a guy! His Dad gave my oldest daughter her first airplane ride when her little brother was so young, Mom said, No to his ride! I think they were 4 & 2 or something like that! Flying is fun![This message was edited by Doug Seymour on 25 November 2002 at 02:00 AM.]