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Author Topic:  Jimbeaux on the Radeoux
Dave Van Allen

Souderton, PA , US , Earth
Post  Posted 14 Aug 2001 5:05 pm    
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Jim made a fine showing on WXPN Kids' Corner tonight from 7-8 edt...

It's hard to describe just what the device is that makes "that sound" but JC explained very clearly the layout and mechanical concept of the PSG on a level even I could understand ( ) so I don't think the bright young'uns who listen to this show will have any problems visualizing the instrument...

He played a semi chronological set of tunes from the Maestros starting with Jerry Byrd and Speedy West and progressing to Emmons, Jernigan and Green.
He also played a cut by Robert Randolph, and explained a bit about the Sacred Steel tradtion.

IN between tunes he chatted with the host about the history, and a bit about each picker.

He also played LIVE in the studio! and a few cuts from "Almost Here" CD

A fine introduction of the PSG to the kids and parents who listen to this great kids' show in the Philly area.
Some young wide open minds may have been sparked by his presentation.

congrats Jim!!


[This message was edited by Dave Van Allen on 14 August 2001 at 06:06 PM.]

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