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Author Topic:  Bud Duncan/Maddox Bros., any thots?
Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 19 Mar 2003 2:18 pm    
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I think Bud provided a lyrical and high spirited style that fit in well with the usually uptempo'd Maddox's. What did Bud do on steel prior to/after hooking up with Rose and her brothers? When did he stop touring/recording with them? Anybody get to see him/them?


[This message was edited by Ron Whitfield on 25 March 2003 at 01:18 PM.]

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Mike Black


New Mexico, USA
Post  Posted 24 Mar 2003 9:34 am    
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Ron, Bud Duncan is still alive and well. He still plays alot but has only recently started to get his old steel out. I think it has been many years since he's had it out. He still has the 6 string lap guitar and stand he used with the Maddox Bros. and Rose as well as Fender 400.(I think it's a Custom Color too, but it has pedals so I didn't look too close ) He also plays guitar, fiddle and mandolin. Fiddle seems to be his main instrument. I've never seen him play steel in 12 years. He lives in Sacramento and winters in Yuma, AZ. Lots of great Musicians down there thru March. Including Bud, and Bud Issacs, Len Ryder, Sid Barnes, Red Gillean, Dick Heil and on and on.
I forgot what he did before the MB&R. But then he went on to play in and around Sacramento, spent a time with Billy Jack Wills band. I have a tape of him in a small club in Sacramento with Red Gillean's group. He plays standard guitar though, Chuck Wright is the steel player it probably from the early 50's.
I've talked at lenght often about the good ol days but never have sat down with him and actually taped an interview. I think I will this summer.
I'll mention you asked about him when I see him after he gets back from Yuma. He'll appreciate that someone still remembers him. There's been a play based on the MB&R going in the SF area, but to my knowledge no one has contacted Bud.
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Ron Whitfield


Kaaawa, Hawaii, USA
Post  Posted 27 Mar 2003 5:46 pm    
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Mike, thanx for the great info! Glad to hear Bud's doing well and still picking. Do you know what year he left the Maddox group? You really got my attention saying he played with the BJWills band, at what point? I thot Vance Terry had that seat from the groups inception to it's demise with big brother Bob then at the helm. Sure would be keen to hear what they sounded like when Bud was with them. I can't urge you enuf to follow thru with your fine idea to tape an interview with Bud, he's another who should certainly not be forgotten. His playing really helped make those MB&R records stay on the turntable. Also, it was very interesting to hear that someone was telling the Maddox story, on stage(at least). If their tale isn't a movie waiting to be made, I don't know what is. Of that bunch, I believe Bud and Don Maddox are the last living.

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