Here is the chord progression for "Pidgin English Hula", a swinging Hapa Haole dance song recorded in the late 50's. Jeff Au Hoy originally posted this great song,
The sound sample doesn't seem to be up anymore, so maybe Jeff can tell us where to get a hold of the recording. This song has a really fun chord progression and features "Jules Ah See" on a pedal steel. Jeff thinks Jules didn't use his pedals on this song. Jeff and I both went over the chords and thanks to Jeff's great ear, this is what we came up with. My hope is we can build up a Jam book of songs in the future, of this type of material for cutting and working gigs. Pidgin English Hula:
intro: |D7 |D7 |G A#dim|Am D7|
verse: |G |E7 |A7 |A7 |D |D |G |G |
|G |E7 |A7 |A7 |D |GGbE |A7 D |G |
Bridge: |D# |D# |G |G |D7 |D7 |G |G |
|D# |D# |G |G |A7 |D |D |G |D |D |G D9| |Eb9Eb9E9E9|F9F9E9E9|A7 D|G |
:repeat & out
Here is a site with the lyrics: [This message was edited by Jesse Pearson on 09 March 2003 at 11:37 AM.]
[This message was edited by Jesse Pearson on 12 March 2003 at 01:06 PM.]