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Author Topic:  b0b's D13 again
John Kavanagh


Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 27 Oct 2002 10:02 am    
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What gauges do you use for the D13 tuning (cdf#abd'f#'e')? I'm having a whoop of a time with it, using .015 for the top 2 (since I retune the same strings to d diatonic tunings), but I'm busting too many f#'s. I tried using 13245689 of an E9 set, but it was too light. I think what I have on now is 12345678 of a C6 set, with a few strings changed.

Thanks again for suggesting this tuning - it sounds better than c or e on my guitar. Anyone else use it?

[This message was edited by John Kavanagh on 27 October 2002 at 10:05 AM.]

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Brad Bechtel

San Francisco, CA
Post  Posted 27 Oct 2002 7:32 pm    
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I don't use that tuning on my eight string. I'm not sure what string gauges you'd use, but I'd bet b0b's string gauge chart would be helpful. I doubt you'll find a pre-selected string set that fits this tuning.

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[This message was edited by Brad Bechtel on 27 October 2002 at 07:33 PM.]

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John Kavanagh


Kentville, Nova Scotia, Canada * R.I.P.
Post  Posted 28 Oct 2002 6:44 am    
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Thanks, Brad. I looked around the site some and didn't find that chart; guess I didn't look hard enough.

Once I find gauges I like I may get sets made up or order singles or something - right now I buy singles or get a set and swap around, whichever's cheaper. I used to be fussier about string tension than I am now - I hardly used a standard set on any instrument, but either there's a wider variety of sets out there or (and this just occurred to me) I've got better quality instruments and know how to set them up, so I'm not trying to compensate for an instrument's uneven response with uneven string tension.

Anyway, my steel has a 22¾" scale, and I tend to like the feel and sound of strings on the heavy side. If b0b or anyone else wants to offer advice further to what's in the chart, I'd be grateful.
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