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Author Topic:  Outlook Express safety?
Jon Light

Saugerties, NY
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2003 8:27 am    
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Nevermind for a second the advice to just get rid of OE. If I receive something unknown (and therefore insecure), I right-click on it, select properties, go to details, and then to message source where I can see some info and sometimes even the text. (I have the preview pane turned off.)

Question: having already downloaded the message but not actually opening it, is this procedure secure or am I kidding myself?
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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2003 9:59 am    
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Before I abandoned Outlook Express, I did exactly as you described. I never got a virus from an email following that procedure. As far as I can tell, downloading an email only puts the bits on your hard disk - it doesn't execute anything.

The only virus problems I've had recently are on Windows 2000 Professional running IIS web server. IIS is notoriusly hard to lock down. The default settings are unsafe. I'm thinking of switching to Apache on those machines.

Lest anyone get worried, the Forum computer runs Linux and Apache. It's locked down so tight, the only way to access the Forum member records is to be physically in the room on Cloverdale Boulevard!

               Bobby Lee
-b0b-   quasar@b0b.com
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Paul Graupp


Macon Ga USA
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2003 3:04 pm    
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Before I abandoned Outlook Express....

If I have a Windows ME setup, how can I throw OE overboard and if I do, what are my alternatives for my e-mail traffic ??

Regards, Paul
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Bill Moore

Manchester, Michigan
Post  Posted 5 Jul 2003 6:49 pm    
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Paul, I am using "Eudora", for e-mail. You can get free here: http://www.eudora.com/ . The free version has a small advertising area that doesn't interfere with using the program. Or you can purchase the program, and ditch the ads. I guess there are other free programs available, but Eudora works well for me. Once you have installed a program, Just click on the "tools" link at the top of the Internet Explorer page, click "Internet options" then click the "programs" tab, then specify the program that you want to use.
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Jeff A. Smith


Angola,Ind. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 8 Jul 2003 8:16 pm    
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I'm lagging behind with computers.

Although I recently got Outlook Express when I purchased a paid MSN account with my laptop, I had previously did all my e-mail on a free Hotmail account. So far, I use my paid MSN Outlook Express account only occasionally, and instead use Hotmail for prcatically everything.

My question:

Is Hotmail safer than Outlook Express, worse, or about the same?


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