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Author Topic:  Joe Barden Pickups
David Spangler


Kerrville, TX USA
Post  Posted 6 May 2006 9:02 am    
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Joe Barden is back making pickups again!!

David Spangler
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Bill Hatcher


Atlanta Ga. USA
Post  Posted 6 May 2006 9:22 am    
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Now there will be a market for the "original" Bardens and the new Bardens.
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Michael Haselman

St. Paul
Post  Posted 6 May 2006 12:30 pm    
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Timing is everything. I should have sold my Tele set a couple weeks ago on Ebay, probably would have had enough to buy a new set and maybe another Tele.

Marrs D-10, Webb 6-14E

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Eric West

Portland, Oregon, USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 7 May 2006 8:33 am    
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Well, from what I've found on the TDPRI and other sources there are a couple of things.

One, the new one,s like the later early 90s ones are wound to a lower impedance to be thinner, and somewhat less "powerful" than the earlier ones. It is said that DG preferred a "stronger, 'muddier' tone for his 'B3' playing".

I've been reviewing my old DG stuff, and I can truly say that some of his most prominent recordings had the tone of a chainsaw. A damn skillfully wielded one.

Myself I use SCoils for my SB wound lighter, as I like the clarity, and probably like that in a Tele bridge PU. I've heard the Hot Rails, and the Duncan MiniHBs would be way too muddy for my taste.

Two, there is appearantly a flap about "old pickups that were ordered, and never send or refunded. Sound Familiar?

Maybe Joe can settle these accounts without sueing his fellow guitar players...

I imagine he's got more than a summer's full of orders. Even at 169$. That's about half of what they've been going for..

I've been looking at different Tele PUs, and have found about the best "real" tele tone in Van Zant "Blues" Single coils. (I tried my ASAT Adj Poles next to our guitar players' VZs through his rig this weekend and they made my ASATs sound weak and muddy. Through my PODxt though, they sound right.)

Problem is that like any single coil, you're inevitably gonna be under a carbon arc light, on stage with your favorite guitar, and hear some little rheostat blare out of your amp, and the soundman is going to go nuts. Then out comes the ratty old hermaphrocaster with a big old muddy Humbucker, and you realise you might as well be playing a L&$ P@ul.

Appearantly the impedance of these new ones is slightly over 4k.

Glad to see a reissue like this.

Now back to my ASAT. The single coils with the polepieces adjusted have been working out very well.


[This message was edited by Eric West on 07 May 2006 at 09:38 AM.]

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David Spangler


Kerrville, TX USA
Post  Posted 7 May 2006 8:39 am    
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In the meantime, I am using Lindy Fralin Blues Specials in my Tele to see if it would make me play as well as Brad Paisley. It didn't really help my playing but the tone is really nice. I can't seem to put the guitar down. I have the neck pickup in the middle and an Allparts Razor Hot Tele in the neck.

David Spangler
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John Billings

Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 8 May 2006 6:05 am    
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I have an early Barden. It's been tried in every Tele I've had, and rejected! Then I traded something for a Zion Thin-line Tele style with three Bardens, and it sounds terrific! So, as we all have learned, some combinations work, while others just don't!
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