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Author Topic:  tube amp feedback
Skip Keane


Rhode Island, USA
Post  Posted 8 Apr 2006 5:02 pm    
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I have a new setup for my sho bud and I'm getting alot of feedback. The amp roars with the feedback. I was wondering if anyone might have a cure. I know that I could go back to the old amp setup but this is the amp of my dreams. So, any ideas....

Ok here it is, the older set-up was I would play through a pedal to univox echo to a leslie 122r that's one set-up the other older one was that I use is to play through a pedal to a peavey nashville 400. The new set-up is to a pedal to a 1966 ampeg reverbrocket. The reverbrocket is just roaring with feedback.
I hope that helps.

[This message was edited by Skip Keane on 09 April 2006 at 01:55 AM.]

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Larry Robbins

Fort Edward, New York
Post  Posted 8 Apr 2006 5:28 pm    
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Could you give us a description of your set up and how it differs from the old one. I'm sure someone here can help you.


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Jay Fagerlie

Lotus, California, USA
Post  Posted 9 Apr 2006 7:09 am    
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I play through an old Ampeg on occasion and have ran into this same problem.
For me it turned out to be the reverb causing the problem.
Due to the modifications made on this amp before I owned it, the reverb can is very sensitive to vibration. I will have to remount the can for better isolation.
The sure test would be to turn the reverb off and see if the feedback goes away.

If this isn't the problem, I would suggest either turning the volume down or try to get farther away from the amplifier....

My $0.02 worth.....

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