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Author Topic:  Bad Volume Pedal, Ernie Ball
Mickey Lawson


Cleveland, Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 31 Dec 2005 4:06 pm    
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I bought an Ernie Ball Volume Pedal (mono) from Musican's Friend, because I could place it anywhere I wanted. Tried three different amps and other effects with it, over several weeks time, and couldn't get a good sound. I have an Emmons LeGrande S10, w/pad and Emmons Volume Pedal. Replaced the EBall volped with Emmons, and the sound was great again. (Took the vol pot out of the EBall and it was Clarostat, extra life, 250K ohm, type EJ.) (Emmons is Allen Bradley, 500K ohm, type J.) Never seen this problem posted before, maybe it'll help someone.

[This message was edited by Mickey Lawson on 31 December 2005 at 04:09 PM.]

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Jerry Overstreet

Louisville Ky
Post  Posted 31 Dec 2005 11:45 pm    
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250K is the standard pot for the EB vol. pedal. Somewhat darker sound than the 500K, but I have played several of these over the years and have always been able to tweak the eq, etc. for an acceptable sound from them. Could just be a bad pot.
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Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2006 1:52 am    
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I have both an Ernie Ball pedal and a Goodrich, and they sound VERY different. The Goodrich is brighter, the Ernie Ball, darker.

I prefer the Goodrich for playing live, but the Ernie Ball for recording.

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Dave Mudgett

Central Pennsylvania and Gallatin, Tennessee
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2006 2:53 am    
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I own both types, since I have used EB pedals with a Telecaster for a very long time. They do sound different with a typical highly-wound steel pickup (usually 16-20 Kohms). I think the Goodrich is a better match when looking for a traditional country sound with these. But the slightly darker sound of the EB works well for blues and rock.

Now, with a pickup with less windings, I'm not so sure. I know Bob Carlucci likes the EB pedal with his underwound (I think 8K) pickup. I've heard his soundclips, and he gets a good country sound. There is a matchup between the pickup impedance and volume pot value.

For example, Fender guitars like the Telecaster and Stratocaster use 250K volume pots - the pickups are bright and wound less than, let's say, a typical Gibson pickup. For example, a Gibson humbucker-equipped guitar typically uses 500K volume pots, and those pickups are wound more, have a wider magnetic sensing window, and a darker sound. Using a 250K pot with the Gibson darkens it up, probably too much for most people, let's say rock players. But for someone looking for a darker jazz sound and a slower rolloff, it might be just the ticket.

The speed of volume rolloff depends, to some extent, on the ratio of pickup-to-volume_pot impedance. I've used 500K volume pots on Fender pickups - assuming the pot taper is the same, it rolls off faster with the 500K pot.

Of course, a lot of this is largely a matter of personal taste.
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Charlie McDonald

out of the blue
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2006 6:22 am    
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In another post, an EB pedal is said to be one of the ten signs of being a 'hacker.'
I'm glad to see this myth laid to rest.
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Bob Carlucci


Candor, New York, USA
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2006 9:30 am    
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wow.. My very perceptive friend Dave Mudgett has the wheels in my head spinning out of control.. Even after many years of playing steel it NEVER occurred to me that the EB pedals [ I have 2] I have used for eons MAY be the reason I like underwound pickups..Perhaps THAT is why so many times I felt a "darkness" with certain guitars... Hmmm.... you REALLY got me thinkin now Dave..

however, I did own and use BMI , MSA ,Fender ,De Armond,and Dekley pedals

( all with pots]..

now, There were some differences in tone,nothing major, but with all these pedals I was able to make small adjustments to get "my" sound... It DOES make me wonder however,, could my ear really be that insensitive??... maybe it REALLY is time to bite the bullet and go "potless"... I'll tell ya,,, been at the steel game for a coons age, and I am STILL finding out just how LITTLE I know!!!bob
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Ricky Davis

Bertram, Texas USA
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2006 10:14 am    
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Yes there is a HUGE difference(night and day) between a (aweful)Clarostat and a Allen Bradley(AB TypeJ).
Or any Active volume pedal will give the proper clearity.
Ohmite is the only newly made pot that has the clearity of the old AB pot...other than that; you'll have a blanket over your sound with the Clarostat; no matter what "potted" pedal you may play.
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Dave Mudgett

Central Pennsylvania and Gallatin, Tennessee
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2006 12:33 pm    
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I'm not suggesting that switching from a 250K pot volume pedal to a 500K one will suddenly make a highly wound steel pickup sound like a Fender 400 pickup. To the contrary, I'm suggesting that the 500K pot may make the lower-wind pickup a bit bright and 250K may make the higher-wind pickup a bit dull, not to mention messing up the volume rolloff characteristic.

But what sounds good and feels good is good. All the theory in the world doesn't substitute for a good set of ears and an open mind. Bob, my guess is that your ears are just fine.
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Bob Hoffnar

Austin, Tx
Post  Posted 1 Jan 2006 10:57 pm    
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Ernie Ball pedals work fine. I used one for years. All they are is a pedal that pulls a string that turns a volume pot. Same as all of them except the new potless ones. Wait till the pot wears out and put whatever volume pot in there you want. Its cheap and easy.

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