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Author Topic:  Volume pedal control question
Ken Thompson

Great Falls, Montana, USA
Post  Posted 25 Aug 2005 7:28 am    
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I have an older Goodwrich pot pedal. We run everything through our board. I am told that I have very little distance between full volume and no volume making it very difficult to be tastefull with fills.

Is it the pedal? My pre-gain? Would it be beneficial to purchase the Hilton pedal (that I am saving for) or is it a sound board issue?
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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 25 Aug 2005 7:40 am    
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Most likely, it's too much gain on the board. There's a slim chance that you pedal isn't working corectly, but that can be verified by pluging into an amp instead of the board. If it works fine with an amp, the trouble has to be in the board (how it's set).
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Nic du Toit

Milnerton, Cape, South Africa
Post  Posted 26 Aug 2005 6:51 am    
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Does the pot work with a string? (cord)
Check whether the pot is fully open when the pedal is down, and vice versa. Although, in the backed off position the pot won't be 'closed', only your output volume would have been reduced by about 50% or so. Sometimes the cord starts to 'creep' on the shaft of the pot, causing the pot to open or close only partially.

Nic du Toit
1970 Rosewood P/P Emmons D10 Fatback 8x4
Peavey Session 500 unmodfied

My CD "Nightmare on Emmons Steel"

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Melbourne, FL
Post  Posted 27 Aug 2005 8:48 am    
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I am having issues as well, have for too long -- would love some help. I just got a new Goodrich 120 (sorry - just couldn't spring for the really cool one!) and, I swear, some days it's fine, and others (like lately), there's a HUGE slam of max volume at the final millimeter of travel. It seems OK in my ancient KB300 at home, but when I measdure the ohms with my meter, sure enough the thing creeps up in resistance and then WHAM, it zings to the max during the last weeny bit of travel. Since I mostly play fiddle, and some mandolin, I used to go into a Mackie mixer before my amp, and I thought this was the culprit. But now I'm going straight into a Yorkville KB amp and still getting this problem. I am goiong thru a goodrich match-bro II that is almost always turned off unless I want dobro effect, and sometimes I'm suspicious of that.

Any ideas anyone? I doubt it's defective; I suspect it's the player ;-(



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richard burton

Post  Posted 27 Aug 2005 1:07 pm    
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If you're using a peavey amp, try hooking the volume pedal up with 3 cords:
Guitar direct to input of amp.
Pre eq out of amp to input of volume pedal.
Output of volume pedal to pre eq input on amp.
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