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Author Topic:  Appropriate Strings - G Tuning, etc.
Bill Dillof


Lee, MA, USA
Post  Posted 22 Mar 2002 1:23 pm    
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This question is for you six-stringers out there. I recently discovered D'Addario's string tension charts and went a little nuts for a while trying to come up with the perfect strings for my Martin 0-28K. It came with ordinary bronze lights (12s) and was fine until I got this bee in my bonnet. The goal was to come up with even tension across the board in the G tuning (the first string, the 12, tuned to D, seemed a little saggy and thin) without ripping the bridge out. I put a 13 on the end and it's fine, except that now the second string seems flaccid. To make matters worse, D'Addario smugly suggests that tension is not the answer, but rather, tone and volume. I thought I was on a roll when a mastered the necessary algebra to compute tension, but now find it all in vain. Which is why I come to you with hat in hand: What strings do I use - 0-28K, G (dobro) tuning????
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Tom Olson


Spokane, WA
Post  Posted 22 Mar 2002 9:36 pm    
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I've been using mediums on my Martin Dreadnaught (.013 to .056, I think). I've never really thought about using any thing else besides standard string packages. I think D'Addario makes a "Bluegrass" string set that has lighter treble strings (.012, etc.) and medium bass strings (.056, etc.)

As you've said, I suspect there more to coming up with the string gauges than simply evening out the tension.

How much does the tension vary across the strings for a standard set of medium or light gage strings? Like I said, I've never really thought about it before -- just assumed the manufacturer had a reason for specifying certain gages
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