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Author Topic:  vox tone lab vs pod xt
Jeff Hogsten


Flatwoods Ky USA
Post  Posted 20 Mar 2005 5:28 pm    
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I have had a pod xt for a few weeks and was impressed with it. It was close enough and beat carring a amp and I have been active in tring to get them to do some steel mods. Last week I bought a vox tone lab. I kept reading reviews by people that bought then that it blowed the pod away for clean sounds are they were right. I think the differece is they have a tube that simulates a power amp as well as the pre amp model. There is a night and day difference. Playing through the tonelab is like really playing through a amp. It is much cleaner but not harsh just like a tube amp and you can dial in just the righ ammount of distortion. Let me say though that I have only tried it with guitar and would like to hear from someone that has tried it with steel. The effects are great to. I think line six has made such a inroad and they are a great company. their web site and support is great but the truth is I found the tone lab much much better to my taste
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Rich Weiss


Woodland Hills, CA, USA
Post  Posted 20 Mar 2005 7:25 pm    
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I use the Tonelab, desktop model. I've never used it live, only for direct recording, and mostly for electric guitar and lap steel, but the pedal steel does sound very good through it. Signal chain: I use the Black Box, to the Tonelab, and into the preamps, and it really screams, having both tubes in line. It takes a little doing to dial in a clean sound, but it can be done.

I've never used the Pod XT, so I can't compare the two.
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