Joe, I used a BR8 ( still have it) for over a year and found it to be exceptional for recording Steel and Guitars direct..BUT..
ya gotta write your own patches.
I wrote patches specifically for the Steel which had the EQ set pretty much like Nashville 400, about 280 ms of slap delay and some reverb.
It is true that the on board written patches are pretty wild and are for guitars and vocals. But this is true of pretty much all the recorders these days.
Spend a few minutes editing one of the patches and you can get some very nice results.
With the BR8 just be sure you are not overdriving the input sensitivity want to keep your recording average at about 5 or 6 DB under 0..I know it's hard to see the scale on the little screen but it can be done. These are fine little recorders..and with a bit of patience and effort you can make some very nice recordings.
t[This message was edited by Tony Prior on 28 October 2004 at 03:15 PM.]