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Author Topic:  If it's broke, fix it? (speakers)
Brian Davis


San Francisco, USA
Post  Posted 14 May 2004 7:31 am    
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I am in a bit of a dilemma. I have 2 sets of 12" Jensens. One set is from a blackface era Bassman cabinet and both speakers have blown voicecoils. The other set is from a silverface Twin and while I had one speaker's voicecoil replaced a few years back now the other one is starting to go.

The question is, is it worth getting the speakers fixed or should I just buy some new EVs or JBLs? How much would three new voicevoils run vs. the cost of the NOS speakers. I guess I would have to buy 2 whole new sets and just be stuck with four extra speakers laying around...any advice?

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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 14 May 2004 7:49 am    
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To me, Jensens are pretty much a disposable (read "cheap") speaker unless they're very old and in an amp that has substantial collector value, like a B/F or earlier model Fender. JBL's (the early D-series) have collector value on their own, and other JBL's are pricey, so I'd get those reconed, as well.

The good EV's are growing scarce, and for steel, they do a fabulous job. Since EV is out of the instrument speaker business now, I'd get those reconed if needed, too. They're a great speaker, and I think their value will only go up in time...just like the early JBL's.
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Joe E


Houston Texas
Post  Posted 15 May 2004 5:52 pm    
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I guess the answer to me is: If you have the original amps the speakers came out of, and the are the original speakers from those amps, recone them and keep them. (EX: the twin speakers were the ones that left the factory in that cabinet.)

Otherwise, sell the broken speakers and buy some good ones. By the way if they are Fender speakers, they may not be jensen. Probably CTS or Utahs. Could be Jensen, but jensens were expensive compared to CTS.

For steel, you may try the black widows in the fender amps. I like them alot. I do use EV's in my steel amps, and JBL's in my guitar amps though.

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James Morehead

Prague, Oklahoma, USA - R.I.P.
Post  Posted 15 May 2004 10:57 pm    
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You can get EV's rconed around $100 apiece. They are hard to find, and make a very fine steel speaker. Jensens are better guitar speakers if you want less headroom. IMHO
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Lee Costley


North Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Post  Posted 25 May 2004 9:38 am    
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I might be interested in your old blown jensen speakers.

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