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Author Topic:  Open back / closed back
Greg Vincent

Folsom, CA USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2004 1:28 pm    
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Hi folks,

What is the purpose of an open backed amplifier vs. a closed back amplifier? What are the advantages / disadvantages of each kind of enclosure? Why are so many guitar amps open backed and so many bass amps closed backed?

-Curious in L.A.
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James Quackenbush


Pomona, New York, USA
Post  Posted 10 May 2004 1:51 pm    
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Open backed cab's will spread the sound around both front and back for an "open" sound.....Closed back cabinet's for the most part are bass cab's where added "punch" and a more direct sound is desired ... A closed back cab will contol the movement of the speaker cone more than an open back cabinet resulting in less "flub" in the tone of the amp ...It's not really needed too much in guitar unless you are looking for a really punchy direct tone.... Marshall 4-12 cab's are built closed back for that very reason ...Jim
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