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Author Topic:  New PA coming Together
Steve Stallings

Houston/Cypress, Texas
Post  Posted 22 Apr 2004 3:04 pm    
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I recently left my band of many years to focus on Christian music. I've been having some fun putting together a modest sound system. All I've actually got so far is the board, but everything else is being shipped or I have to go pick it up.

Here is the System "in toto""

2 JBL SR 4733
powered by one QSC RMX 4050HD

3 JBL SR 4704
each powered by one QSC RMX 1850HD

Mackie 1604VLZ
Lexicon MPX1
Furman PL Plus
BBE 862
Sony CD

Amps, Effect, Mackie are going into a roll around ATA Rack/Flight Case

I bought two roll around oversized ATA Flight Cases (Think large footlockers) for cables, stands, and such.

I am having three rectangular rolling flight cases constructed that the monitors will go in. You just roll them in, lift off the top, plug in the Speakons and go.

It is fun to put a system together but gets expensive really quickly.!

God Bless,
Steve Stallings

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